Newgen's Records Management System Receives Certification By Department Of Defense

Newgen Software's RMS enables organizations securely manage the entire lifecycle of the information

Newgen Software Technologies Limited, a leading global provider of Business Process Management (BPM), Enterprise Content Management (ECM) and Customer Communication Management (CCM) announced that its Records Management System ( RMS) has obtained U.S Department of Defense (DoD) 5015.02-STD Certification.

Department of Defense (DoD) 5015.02-STD v3 April 2007 is the de facto software standard which provides implementation and procedural guidance on the management of records in the Department of Defense. It sets forth mandatory baseline functional requirements for Records Management Application (RMA) software used by the DoD components in implementing their records management programs; defines required system interfaces and search criteria that RMAs shall support; and describes the minimum records management requirements that must be met based on current National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) regulations.

On obtaining this certification Mr. Diwakar Nigam, CEO & Managing Director - Newgen Software said, "This is an extremely important step in strengthening our position in the global market as many government agencies and private enterprises around the world look to DoD certification as a benchmark requirement for records management software deployments."

Newgen Software's Records Manager lets organizations define a file plan- record categories/series along with their associated disposition schedules; identify/declare records; store/preserve/protect electronic records; track record's disposition schedule status and execute disposition instructions viz. Cut off, transfer and destroy. Newgen Software's RMS enables organizations securely manage the entire lifecycle of the information. Newgen Software's Records Management offerings helps organizations enforce centralized policy management for file plans, retention schedules, legal preservation holds, and auditing and are designed to help users streamline business processes and automate manual user and administrator activities throughout the record lifecycle.

About Newgen

Newgen Software Technologies Limited is a leading global provider of Business Process Management (BPM), Enterprise Content management (ECM) and Customer Communication Management, with a global footprint of 900 installations in over 50 countries with large, mission-critical solutions deployed at the world's leading Banks, Insurance firms, BPO's, Healthcare Organizations, Government, Telecom Companies & Shared Service Centers.

Newgen's Quality Systems are certified against ISO 9001:2008 and Information Security Standard, ISO 27001:2005. Newgen has been assessed at CMMi Level3.


Tags: certification, DoD, Newgen

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