NEWS FLASH - LUKAS Appearances on AOL, Inside Edition, World Entertainment News Network, World Records Academy, Google News
Online, May 10, 2010 ( - Lukas the World's Smartest Horse (according to Yahoo, Google and now the World Records Academy) is making new friends.
Blaze Magazine (For Horse-Crazy Kids) will be featuring Lukas in his holiday costumes. If you've ever wanted to see a horse ring in the new year or announce the start of baseball season, here's your chance! Brenda McCarthy, managing editor, invited Lukas to be a part of an upcoming issue to promote healthy lessons for kids: "Lukas got to be so smart because he paid attention in class." Karen Murdock, Lukas' owner/trainer is thrilled to have children involved with Lukas: "Kids need to learn to associate animals with fun and games; then caring and concern will follow."
The trend for family involvement and enjoyment of horses is on the rise: Horse Family Magazine , founded by Mandee Widrick, has announced that Lukas will be included in the upcoming inaugural issue. "What better way to unite families and promote wholesome activities than to appreciate animals together?" according to Murdock. As a psychiatric nurse for twenty-five years, she views this as a very positive direction for youth, horses and the future.
Murdock and Lukas would like to thank American Horse Publications and Pfizer for considering them as nominees for the 2010 EQUINE INDUSTRY VISION AWARD.
In every winter's heart
lies a quivering spring,
and behind the veil of each night
waits a smiling dawn. Kahlil Gibran
Tags: clicker training, Horse Training, karen murdock, playing with lukas, world's smartest horse