NEWYORKER Sees 14% Item Sales Growth upon MIRAI-TOUCH Implementation

MIRAI-TOUCH Sales Promotion System showing results: 14% item sales growth at NEWYORKER Japan Stores.

Fashion giant NEWYORKER in Japan was among the pioneers of implementing the now rapidly spreading "MIRAI-TOUCH for iPad" System using iPad technology in early May this year.

Seeing the potential of the innovative sales promotion system paid out. NEWYORKER saw a 14% increase in item sales during its use of the MIRAI-TOUCH system compared to the previous year.

Within the first two weeks of system implementation 50% of in-store sales were accounted to sales supported by iPads. Customers were allowed to participate in an easy card game on the store's iPads upon entering. Prizes included 5 - 15% discounts on any item. NEWYORKER now is expanding its use of MIRAI-TOUCH to several other stores in Tokyo.

"After our success with NEWYORKER we are now getting new inquiries from other firms on a daily basis" said Mitsuru Harada, lead project developer at Gotanda Denshi.

About MIRAI-TOUCH for iPad

MIRAI-TOUCH is the first in-store sales promotion system using iPad technology offering fully customized system planning, software development and operation support.
The System re-uses pre-existing company data gathered from company catalogs, Ecommerce databases, and other available data sources, enabling timely information supply to customers and maximizing efficiency.


Tags: gotanda denshi, iPad, Japan, mirai-touch, newyorker, sales growth, tokyo

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Bedi Lackmann
Press Contact, Gotanda Denshi Co.,ltd.
Gotanda Denshi Co.,ltd.
5th floor, Kamino-shouji-dai 2.Bldg.,
1-20-7 Higashi-Gotanda, Shinagawa-ku,