Next Generation Enterprises Recaps Successes and 2019 Plans

The team from Next Generation Enterprises is excited to wrap up 2018 with many achievements both as individuals and collectively. The President also shared that the firm would parlay this success into next year's plans.

​As Jeff, Next Generation Enterprises’ President, noted, this year saw continued growth as the business expanded, goals were met, and talented new people joined the firm. Moreover, he saw significant developments within the team as they forged stronger bonds and increased their knowledge together.

Trips were a big part of this year’s success as individuals from Next Generation Enterprises ventured to impressive locales, including cross country to Orlando, Florida and further south to Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. Not only were these destinations a thrill, but event managers who embarked on these travel excursions had ample chances to network with other industry leaders who will be important connections going into 2019. 

Back home, Jeff reported that there were many opportunities for team members to get to know one another better outside of the office. Together, they enjoyed activities such as playing paintball, visiting Top Golf, and exploring Texas Typhoon Water Park, to name a few. 

Next Generation Enterprises’ Plans to Build on Success in 2019

With good work abounding during 2018, Jeff noted that Next Generation Enterprises is well positioned to continue this upward trajectory for 2019. Many of the strategies in place for this year will be used, albeit after a careful review of what was most effective. 

As Jeff noted, success is a matter of having a strong plan, which is exactly what he and his team have been working on so they’re ready to dive in as soon as the calendar turns to January 1. Each event manager will have individual and common goals toward which they will put forth their best efforts. The attached metrics will raise the bar for the team, as growth is the objective.

Ongoing learning is a factor in all of this team’s outcomes. Therefore, Jeff noted that they will step up their training based on each person’s needs, as well as collective topics, such as networking. There will be many opportunities for everyone to dispense with their office roles and unwind together as well. Jeff observed that the team nights in which they’ve taken part have had a positive impact on collaboration, which is the heart of their innovative approach. He looks forward to finding more fun ways for event managers to gather, share laughs, and develop a rapport that will drive results.

With the year coming to a close, Jeff and his team are excited about what 2019 has in store, knowing the success they’ve started will only continue to build.

About Next Generation Enterprises:

Next Generation Enterprises gives real-world presence to social change leaders. The firm’s team members create one-to-one campaigns that raise awareness and funds for ethical agencies. Doing so gets mission-driven causes noticed by likeminded people. The passion and energy they generate are contagious. They quickly capture attention and create impact. The company’s social change solutions lead the way for a better tomorrow on a more vibrant planet. Every promotion guides the movement for good into new markets. Learn more about the firm’s vision at

Source: Next Generation Enterprises


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