Nexus Insurance Services Offers New Medical Malpractice Insurance Resources For Students

Nexus Insurance Services, a professional liability insurance broker, just announced that the company has a newly updated website with malpractice insurance resources for medical students.

Nexus Insurance Services, a professional liability insurance broker, just announced that the company has a newly updated website with malpractice insurance resources for medical students. The website now includes information such as how to reduce medical malpractice insurance costs as well as special offers for medical students.

In addition to specializing in malpractice insurance for students, Nexus Insurance Services offers insurance to various medical professionals including physicians, surgeons, physician assistants, and more. The company will soon be offering students the ability to purchase a policy and print out a certificate of insurance directly through their website.

"We are pleased to offer these new resources to medical students," said Michael Kataf of Nexus Insurance Services. "It's important for students to be informed and educated about their options when it comes to malpractice insurance. We want to be the company that students trust to help them get access to affordable rates and updated industry information."

Malpractice insurance is important for students because it protects them in case of a lawsuit by a patient. Because of their inexperience with working in the medical field, students are required to carry medical malpractice insurance which will cover legal costs and settlement payouts.. The majority of universities in the U.S. will not accept a student unless he/she has an insurance policy.

"Currently, the high cost of malpractice insurance has deterred students from entering the medical field," said Kataf. "However, our company has relationships with a wide variety of insurance providers which allows us to offer the lowest rates in the industry. We work closely with our clients to ensure that they receive a customized policy at just the right price."

About Nexus Insurance Services

Nexus Insurance Services is a professional liability insurance broker that has helped many doctors, lawyers, realtors, and business owners gain access to insurance providers for their practice or business. The company's mission is to be a firm that brings real value to clients, builds personal relationships on top of business ones, and always conducts itself with sincerity, integrity and fairness. Because of the relationships with many providers, the company is able to shop a client's application around to get the best rates. Contact Nexus Insurance for a free, no obligation quote for medical malpractice insurance, professional liability insurance, or workers compensation insurance.


Tags: Medical Liability Insurance, Medical student liability insura, Medical student malpractice insu

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Michael Kataf
Press Contact, Nexus Insurance Services
Nexus Insurance Services
15 Edelweiss
Rancho Santa Margarita
CA 92688
United States