NGLCCNY's Legal Industry Council Kicks Off with Talk with U.S. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand

Senator Kirsten Gillibrand spoke Friday, April 13 at the kick-off event for NGLCCNY's Legal Industry Council. The Senator discussed the progress and future of LGBT Equality. 150 LGBT leaders attended the event at Debevoise & Plimpton LLP.

The National Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce New York (NGLCCNY) launched a new legal industry initiative on Friday, April 13. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand marked the occasion by giving remarks to a group of 150 partners, general counsels and other representatives from New York's leading law firms and multinational corporations. The discussion focused on the progress and future of LGBT equality.

Entitled "A Talk with Senator Kirsten Gillibrand," the breakfast meeting took place at Debevoise & Plimpton LLP, a corporate partner of NGLCCNY. Senator Gillibrand discussed her experience as a champion for repealing Don't Ask Don't Tell and as an advocate of same-gender relationship rights. She urged those who support the LGBT community to hold their elected officials accountable to repeal the Defense of Marriage Act. Chamber President Richard Oceguera presented the Senator with NGLCCNY's first-ever honorary membership. Thomas Koveleskie, the chapter's Chairman Emeritus, presented her with the NGLCCNY membership pin.

"Senator Gillibrand, one of our nation's most committed and powerful advocates of equality ever, joins us today for the inaugural event of our Legal Industry Council," said Chamber President Richard Oceguera. "In addition to its core objectives of promoting the professional and business development of our members, the role of the NGLCCNY Legal Industry Council is to catalyze and inspire community action. While Don't Ask Don't Tell is now history, thanks in large part to the leadership of Senator Gillibrand, there is still much work to be done to pave the road to full equality for all."

NGLCCNY continues to expand and form industry-specific councils to help professionals connect more effectively. Senator Gillibrand's talk was organized to kick off a series of programs that will be focused on legal professionals. The next event will be a Continuing Legal Education seminar entitled "Corporate Governance," to be held in partnership with Debevoise & Plimpton LLP. The CLE will include an LGBT-specific component and a unique opportunity for networking with LGBT and allied legal professionals seeking to expand and diversify their ties to the local business community.

The Legal Industry Council, Chaired by Chamber member John Osborn, Esquire, provides value to NGLCCNY members in the legal community through educational seminars, CLEs and social events designed to create awareness of emerging issues. The Council facilitates connections among member law firms, non-profits, small businesses and corporations, and provides mentorship opportunities to aspiring students through alliances with LGBT student groups at New York area law schools.


Tags: Legal Industry Council, lgbt, NGLCCNY, Senator Gillibrand

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Richard Oceguera, President
Press Contact, National Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce New York
National Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce New York
116 W 23rd St Suite 5
New York, NY 10011
United States