Niarret Construction Limited: Developer Wanted

Niarret Construction Limited is looking for reliable and trustworthy Venezuela developer to implement several new projects in North Latin America region.

Now when the negotiations are over and unfinished office unit is the property of Niarret Construction Limited the company searches for reliable and professional developer in order to turn this depressed real estate into a profitable opportunity with high return rate potential. This building remained without the attention for more than 6 years. During this time certain parts of the unit were damaged or need to be replaced.

Moreover, during this period construction materials manufacturers came up with new building mixtures with higher durability and lifespan. For this reason Niarret Construction Limited has hired the expert team to evaluate the overall state of the house along with those issues than need close attention. After this inspection the company will get a complete understanding of those parts of the object that need to be substituted, replaced or rebuilt completely.

At the same time Niarret Construction Limited got its attention back to the Margarita Island and the projects located there. Without a doubt this reason is one of the most perspectives and may bring high gains to the company in future. The project manager visited construction sites in order to inspect how building process go and to evaluate whether construction agency responsible for this project is not behind the schedule.

At this moment Niarret Construction Limited supervises several opportunities on Margarita Island including the construction of mid-class apartment complex and 3 villas building project. The company has considerable experience in this sphere so here no outer help of partner or other business vehicles is required. Being real estate investor Niarret Construction Limited has implemented numerous projects of this type on the territory of Cyprus (its domestic market) and Europe.


Lisa Petersen
8 Pavlou Valdaseridi,
Vrondis Court Block B, Office 301,
CY-6018, Larnaca, Cyprus


Tags: developers, investment, profit, Real Estate, Venezuela

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Lisa Petersen
Press Contact, Niarret Construction Limited