NJ Mom Develops Autism Product, Sells Globally for Multitude of Diseases

A Mom of an autistic child has teamed up with renown pediatric neurologist to create a product for Autism. After her son refused to take the 40 capsules, she developed MitoSpectra. MitoSpectra is now being sold globally. MitoSpectra LLC seeks to expand its reach around the world.

A Mom of an autistic child sought the help of renown Johns Hopkins geneticist/biochemist, Dr. Richard Kelly, to have her son placed on a barrage of supplements to improve his mitochondrial function, a key component to autism and many other diseases.   The child was functioning wonderfully, until the amount of pills became too much for the 8 year-old.   She consulted a pediatric neurologist at Columbia University who insisted she get the child back on the regimen.  The two joined forces and after months of research and development, succeeded in creating a product that once required 40 capsules per day, now down to about 4 sugar-packet-sized sachets.  The new concoction worked wonderfully for her son.

With her pediatric neurologist’s help, they created MitoSpectra, a product based precisely on Dr. Kelly’s formulation, to help children and adults with autism.

MitoSpectra is now available in highly concentrated capsules and is useful for other neurological diseases including MS, CP, Downs Syndrome, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's.

Jeff Mendelsohn, VP, Sales and Marketing

MitoSpectra is now available in highly concentrated capsules and is useful for other neurological diseases including MS, CP, Downs Syndrome, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s.  Others purchase the product for its anti-aging properties or body building.   

MitoSpectra is made in the USA under strict CGMP guidelines and sold by MitoMedical, LLC.

The Company seeks to expand its marketing efforts and global sales. 

For more information, visit www.mitomedical.com or email [email protected]


Tags: Alzheimers, Autism, CP, mitochondrial dysfunction, MS, Parkinson's

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jeff mendelsohn
VP, Sales and Marketing, MitoMedical, LLC