No Fear No Pain - Stop Texting Injuries before They Begin

NightWrest, announces 2010 Repetitive Stress Injury Awareness Program with $10,000 product giveaway to create awareness on repetitive stress injuries at school, work, and home.

Pinole, California - September 20, 2010. Technology is advancing at warp speed, and everyone wants the latest hi tech gadgets. Today, smartphones and cellphones are almost given away, but what about the hidden cost?

Your local, friendly, orthopedic surgeon will tell you that pounding your fingers on tiny buttons and flat screens may be increasing your risk of a Repetitive Stress Injury (RSI). Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is one of the most common RSIs and doctors often recommend surgery to relieve chronic pain.

NightWrest, a leader in Carpal Tunnel pain relief announces a 2010 Repetitive Stress Injury Awareness Program with a special $10,000 product giveaway to raise awareness and prevention of repetitive stress injuries at work, school, and home.

Company founder Richard Tornai had this to say about the program:
"Repetitive Stress Injuries can be reduced and in some cases prevented if you know the signs and risk factors, however too many people wait until painful symptoms appear before seeking help. We want to change that."

Traditionally RSI sufferers were between 35 to 45 years of age. However, with the growing popularity of texting, coupled with extended computer use at home, work, and school no one gets a break from the keyboard. This has unfortunately led to the average age of injured people starting to drop into the teens.

The 2010 Repetitive Stress Injury Awareness Program is intended to reach out to people at risk of RSI through on-line resources in an effort to help reduce possible long term injuries. The goal of this event is to raise self-awareness and use social media to "help people help themselves", their family, and friends.

The program is free and will target what we term APTO, Awareness, Prevention, Therapy, Options.

In addition to the awareness program our company, NightWrest, will be giving away up to $10,000 in free product to help people manage their nighttime Carpal Tunnel symptoms without drugs or surgery. For more information or to request free product sample go to and click on the Wellness Programs tab for complete details.

Over 2.5 million workers in the United States have RSI in the form of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. 70 percent of the afflicted individuals are women. Imagine what that number will be in the next five years unless something is done immediately.

Start today. Make one phone call instead of three texts and use built-in voice commands instead of pounding in numbers. Little changes in how you work, play and text can make a huge difference in your odds of being affected with RSI. We want to get the message out that there is a lot you can do to reduce and even prevent this type of long-term injury. Go to and click on Wellness Programs for simple tips and more information.

What you don't know can hurt you; find out if you are at risk and what you can do to prevent RSI.

NightWrest is a California corporation that specializes in alternative, drug free nighttime Carpal Tunnel relief products.


Tags: carpal tunnel, smartphone, stress

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Richard Tornai
Press Contact, NightWrest
3125 Avis Way, Pinole, CA
Pinole, CA 94564