Noble Manhattan Launches Ebooksforcoaches

The eBooks are easy to download, easy to access, and quite affordable too. This means that coaches have at their disposal a wealth of information that's difficult to find anywhere else at a very low price.

Noble Manhattan has recently launched which gives coaches access to eBooks that help them become better at their craft. The website is an initiative of the owner and founder of Noble Manhattan and president of the International Institute of Coaching, Gerard O'Donovan who wanted to give coaches easy access to helpful coaching eBooks.

In his quest to help coaches to become better and more successful wherever they may be, Gerard helped put together as a resource for coaches. Qualified coaches and student coaches alike can find valuable coaching information in the each of the eBooks sold in the website. The eBooks are easy to download, easy to access, and quite affordable too. This means that coaches have at their disposal a wealth of information that's difficult to find anywhere else at a very low price.

Apart from starting, Gerard has also been instrumental in getting the right eBooks added to the website. Using his expertise as a leader in the coaching industry for the last 15 years, he's helped choose eBooks that contain the right techniques and invaluable insights that coaches can use. The eBooks in were written by successful authors from different areas of coaching. Coaches can find eBooks about effective coaching, being more productive in coaching, starting your own coaching program, and even eBooks about how you can market your own coaching program. These eBooks are mostly priced at £2.99, which is a very affordable investment that can increase a coach's earnings and skills exponentially.

So, any coach who wants to become better at what they do should take advantage of the eBooks found in
For more information please contact Noble Manhattan at [email protected] or on 0800-191-0100.


Tags: coaches, ebooks, ebooksforcoaches

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