NonRev Loads App Allows Travelers to Check Passenger Seat Availability

One of the biggest perks for an airline employee is the ability to travel the world Non-Revving. The hardest part of using this benefit is finding those flights with open seats. While it may seem that fights are always full, in reality, for domestic and international flights to the United States, the load factor is only 81.7 percent. That’s over 220,000 open seats! So, the question is how do we find those empty seats? A Non-Rev app can help.

With NonRev Loads app, non-rev travelers can conveniently check Passenger Seat Availability or PSA online for standby travel and make plans accordingly. Initially, users can check a subscription-free version of the app where flights schedules can be searched on a wide array of airports including JFK, LHR, ORD, ATL, and LAX.

Members require a subscription to avail the premium benefits. As a member, you can get updates on more than 130 airlines operating globally. NonRev Loads app also takes into consideration any external factors such as typical miss connects, seasonal conditions, weight restrictions, and no-shows.

Some employees get non rev load information from social media. The problem with this is multi-fold. The biggest issue is once they receive the information, it is no longer valid. Non rev loads are constantly changing with ticket purchases, delays, and cancelations. Is the person giving accurate information? Are they taking into consideration normal no-shows, misconnects and weight restrictions? Probably not and this is the advantage of the NonRev Loads app. It’s accurate, takes all those factors into consideration and you can check as often as you like.

Try NonRev Loads app for free and give us your feedback.



Tags: nonrevloads, nonrevvapp, nonrevving, ticket purchases