Normal Crazy People - The Feel-Bad Self-Help Book Is Launched

Normal Crazy People was launched today by acclaimed self help author Willie Horton. A hilarious look at how we settle for a 'not too bad' life and what we could do to change it, the book has been described as Jerry Seinfeld meets the Dalai Lama.

From his home high in the French Alps, acclaimed self help author Willie Horton has today launched his latest self improvement book entitle Normal Crazy People.

Speaking on the occasion of the worldwide launch, Horton said: "This book is the culmination of almost sixteen years work. In those sixteen years I've come to realize that many people read lots and lots of self help and self improvement books but, unfortunately, most of those books make little or no difference. In fact, people often feel worse, not better as a result of learning about other people have changed their lives - without being given any clue as to how they might change theirs."

"That's why Normal Crazy People is a feel-bad book. It strikes me that most people don't feel bad enough to get a life! In fact, the often talked about resilience of the human being is our biggest downfall - we'll put up with almost anything without doing anything to make things better."

The launch of Normal Crazy People is timely - with the Middle-East living through the 'Arab Spring' and movements such as 'Occupy Wall Street' beginning to grab ordinary people's imagination. It appears that ordinary people are beginning to realize that their future is firmly in their own hands and that leaders, who often behave bizarrely, actually have very little interest in the people that they claim to represent.

The premise of Normal Crazy People is both breath-takingly simple and based in hard scientific fact. Normal people are, in fact crazy. Seventy years research proves that our mind controls us, not the other way around - a sure and certain definition of madness. And years of research also proves that, if we could re-learn how to pay attention to the little things that we do in our ordinary lives we would end up living our ordinary lives extra-ordinarily.

Normal Crazy People has been described as a cross between Jerry Seinfeld and the Dalai Lama - a hilarious sideways look at normal people caught in the act of self destruction - but a book with both a moral and a simple set of instructions on how to start changing your life today.

Normal Crazy People is available now on .

About Willie Horton

Willie Horton was born and educated in Ireland. An ex-accountant and ex-banker (his doctors have told him that he'll get over it), he established his personal development practice in January, 1996. With a strong focus on the corporate sector, his clients include top leaders in major corporations such as Pfizer, Deloitte, Nestle, Merrill Lynch, Wyeth, KPMG, Diageo, G4S and Allergan. Horton lives with his wife and three children in the French Alps from where he travels the world as a much sought after motivational speaker and mentor. Normal Crazy People is his third self improvement book.


Tags: Personal Development Books, Self Help Books, Self Improvement Books

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