NORML Names Activist Cheryl Shuman as Executive Director for Beverly Hills Chapter
Online, January 1, 2010 ( - Beverly Hills, CA. -- Cannabis has captured the attention of the world. At the same time the Obama administration announced it will no longer seek to prosecute patients and dispensaries of medicinal marijuana, the Los Angeles City Council vows to shut down all over the counter dispensaries.
The international media capitalized on the "Stiletto Stoners" phenomenon fascinated by women's use of cannabis. Celebrities like Michael Phelps and Super Bowl MVP Santonio Holmes who were cited for marijuana possession are putting a new face on this controversial plant.
Riding that wave, the national office of NORML, the National Organization to Reform Marijuana Law announces it's newest chapter in Beverly Hills, California with Cheryl Shuman named as the Executive Director. "As the Executive Director for Beverly Hills, it's my job to remove the negative stigma and stereotypes of a cannabis user. Real women and men behind the Marijuana Reform movement are taking a stand to make a change by boldly coming "out of the closet" to educate the public."
Cheryl Shuman brings 25 years of experience working with media, celebrities, marketing and health care in Beverly Hills. Shuman found her passion in the cannabis movement since 1996 working as an activist and legal cannabis patient. Since using cannabis therapy, she has survived cancer and injuries from two car crashes.
"The therapeutic value of socialization and the building of family and community can not be underestimated. The right of patients to peaceably assemble - to socialize and build family and community, and network and organize - is paramount for their health and recovery. Our meetings for Beverly Hills NORML will provide the fellowship for patients and activists," states Shuman.
Beverly Hills NORML90210 supports the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws in its mission to "move public opinion sufficiently to achieve the repeal of marijuana prohibition so that the responsible use of cannabis by adults is no longer subject to penalty."
"We as a modern society can fiscally improve our budget by moving cannabis from the criminal sector into the lawful sector. This is not a left or right issue--it's really common sense. Regulation and taxation of marijuana could produce billions of dollars in additional tax revenue as well as save on the enormous costs of law enforcement. Bottom line is the prohibition of marijuana has been a fiscal fiasco," says Cheryl Shuman.
With regard to the ordinance, NORML says it would cost the city millions of dollars in lost sales taxes and thousands of jobs. There are an estimated 1,000 medical cannabis dispensaries in Los Angeles county. A judge recently ruled the ban on new medical marijuana dispensaries was invalid. Cheryl Shuman met with the top legal minds in the Medical Cannabis movement working with Jacek Lentz to form a Non-Profit Corporation to work with the medical marijuana patients and collectives throughout the area.
With all of the recent news about marijuana, NORML90210 hopes to continue with efforts towards legalization.
"The cannabis movement is not just the "Stiletto Stoners" or the medical marijuana patients or the stereotypical "Deadheads" from the 70s. It includes a broad cross section of Americans who should have the right to responsibly use marijuana without the fear of prosecution. As prohibition of alcohol finally ended, it is our goal to have the same outcome--end the prohibition of marijuana. We invite you to join us in building a better informed, kinder and more compassionate world," states Shuman.
To learn more about NORML visit To get more information about the Beverly Hills chapter of NORML, visit The chapter also has a group on Facebook at
About NORML:
Founded in 1970, NORML supports the right of adults to use marijuana responsibly, whether for medical or personal purposes. All penalties, both civil and criminal, should be eliminated for responsible use. Further, to eliminate the crime, corruption and violence associated with any "black market," a legally regulated market should be established where consumers could buy marijuana in a safe and secure environment. NORML also supports the legalization of hemp (non-psychoactive marijuana) for industrial use.
About Cheryl Shuman:
Cheryl Shuman, C.E.O. has been interviewed for hundreds of television programs, newspapers and magazines, including but not limited to: Access Hollywood, Entertainment Tonight, Today Show NBC, HBO Entertainment News, Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous and more.
Through her personal relationships and connections with Hollywood elite, is the first and only company of their kind and at the forefront of entertainment marketing, celebrity endorsements, product placement integration, sponsorships, production and technology.
Tags: beverly hills, beverly hills norml, cannabis, cheryl shuman, drug policy, drug reform, marijuana, norml, politics, tax & regulate, women in business