North Carolina Centers Of Innovation Offer A Platform For Early Stage Companies

MMC Productions Inc has completed video marketing media to promote the North Carolina Centers of Innovations. There are three COIs dedicated to promoting economic growth in the medical device, marine biology and nanobiotechnology market sectors.

MMC Productions Inc, Chapel Hill, NC has completed video marketing media to promote the North Carolina Centers of Innovations. There are three COIs dedicated to promoting economic growth in the medical device, marine biology and nanobiotechnology market sectors. The Centers of Innovation program is overseen by the North Carolina Biotechnology Center.

The explosive growth of new biotechnologies and increasing interdisciplinary dependence has led to a need for specialization in market sectors. The Center of Innovation For Nanobiotechnology (COIN) headed by Griffth Kundahl is charting new markets that do not exist today. The scope and possible uses for nanotechnology is so broad, the market possibilities are limitless.

In an interview done MMC, Kundahl stated, "you can look around this room and virtually everything in it could incorporate a new better nanotechnology." That is the problem, "Where do you begin?" he asks. COIN has undertaken the role of a big tent for possible future stakeholders; this includes companies of every size and stripe, investors, scientists and government agencies. Their next event is on August 15 2012 in Greensboro This approach helped Xanofi, an emerging company with a promising liquid based nanotechnology find its first client.

The task facing the ibiliti, the Medical Device Center of Innovation is very different. Health costs are expected to soar as more baby boomers reach old age. Government agencies are looking for ways to cut costs while there are millions of people with no health care insurance. Ibiliti is tasked with fostering the development of new technologies that are affordable, can be integrated into a personalized medical regime and still be economically feasible to manufacture.

Cindy Clark, CEO of ibiliti has been creating new partnerships between universities, companies and government agencies, their first goal she says is to find an affordable medical device for diabetics. One that cost a tenth of present diabetic monitoring devices.

A lot is at stake in the success of their mission. The video marketing media for the COIs can be seen here:


Tags: innovation, marketing, media, north carolina

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