North Pittsburgh Pain Physicians Address Complex Pain Issues Using a Multidisciplinary Approach & Free Pain Relief Info

In the May 2008 edition of the British Journal, "The Lancet", Dr. Arthur Stone and Princeton economist Alan Krueger noted that "men and women were nearly equally likely to find themselves in pain", and that "people with chronic pain also worked l

It is generally assumed from those people who suffer with chronic pain, that any kind of permanent or long lasting relief is simply not available. Men and women suffering from ongoing pain generally see multiple physicians in an attempt to find any kind of relief. Typically, the results are ineffective.

However, the treatment methods provided at a quality Pain Management Clinic, staffed with knowledgeable physicians experienced in extensive therapeutic approaches, can alleviate or diminish intense pain. Beneficial and successful treatment for any type of ongoing pain begins with an extensive medical history, a complete physical followed by a series of pain assessment and diagnostic tests.

NP3 Pain Relief Solutions

North Pittsburgh Pain Physicians (NP3) uses a comprehensive approach to manage any type of ongoing pain. Board certified in Pain Management and Medicine, the staff includes Randall Barrett, D.O., Levi Zimmerman, M.D., and Kelsi Tagliati, M.D. With sound proven methods of pain assessment techniques, they perform accurate diagnosis and evaluation, to tailor an effective all-encompassing therapeutic treatment program suited to each patient.

Together with their highly qualified Physician Assistants and Registered Nurses, The North Pittsburgh Pain Physicians offer pain relief not available with conventional pain management methods or medications. Using the latest up to date modalities of effective pain control, they can coordinate a multi-disciplinary solution to alleviate the patient suffering.

It is no longer necessary for individuals to suffer from a mild nagging constant pain. For those individuals who experience intense agonizing and debilitating suffering, relief is available to live a pain-free life. With a proper and effective therapeutic treatment program, from The North Pittsburgh Pain Physicians, persistent pain can be reduced or eliminated.

Free Pain Relief Info

For free pain relief information from NP3 online any time, day or night, visit: and start on the road to recovery. For more information about NP3, contact North Pittsburgh Pain Physicians at Natrona Heights Shopping Plaza,1622 Pacific Avenue, Natrona Heights, PA 15065. Call: (724)-224-6730 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting (724)-224-6730 end_of_the_skype_highlighting & visit them at: bookmarking the site to share with others in need of pain relief.


Tags: British Journal, chronic pain, pain relief, Physician Assistants, Physicians, therapeutic treatment program

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Jonathon Masters
Press Contact, North Pittsburgh Pain Physicians
North Pittsburgh Pain Physicians
Natrona Heights Shopping Plaza
Natrona Heights, PA 15065