NOTICE: Pace Meeting of the Board of Directors - Open Session on April 10, 2019

ARLINGTON HEIGHTS, Ill., April 8, 2019 ( -
Meeting of
The Suburban Bus Division
550 West Algonquin Road, Arlington Heights, Illinois
Board of Directors - Open Session
Wednesday, April 10, 2019
4:30 P.M.
Pledge of Allegiance
1. Roll Call
2. Approval of Minutes
Approval of the March 13, 2019, Open Session minutes.
3. Public Comment
4. Chairman's Report
Chairman Kwasneski's report on Pace-related activities during the past month.
5. Directors' Reports
The Directors' reports on Pace-related activities during the past month.
6. Executive Director's Report
Executive Director Rocky Donahue's report on Pace-related activities during the past month.
7. Action Items
A. Ordinance authorizing approval of Board Member travel and business expenses for
March 2019 pursuant to Public Act 099-0604 Local Government Travel
Expense Control Act.
B. Ordinance authorizing the change of time of the regularly scheduled
meetings of the Board of Directors of Pace beginning June 12, 2019.
C. Ordinance authorizing the Executive Director to enter into an
Intergovernmental Agreement with the Village of Wheeling for the financial
reimbursement by Pace to the Village of Wheeling for the actual cost of
infrastructure improvements.
D. Ordinance authorizing a change order to Contract Number 224913 with
RMC, Inc. for Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) services
at the Wheeling Facility.
E. Ordinance authorizing implementing the proposed permanent rerouting of
Route 803.
F. Ordinance authorizing an increase of the TAP ticket value and an
administrative change to increase the total number of TAP trips allowed
G. Ordinance authorizing the award of a contract to New Flyer of America,
Inc., for the purchase, manufacture, and delivery of forty-foot low floor
diesel transit buses.
8. Issues/Discussions/Reports
A. Suburban Service and Regional ADA Budget Results - February 2019
B. Financial Statement for the Month Ending January 2019
C. 2019 Audit Plan
9. Closed Session
A. Closed Session Minutes (Section 2-C-21)
B. Pending Litigation (Section 2-C-11)
10. Reconvene
A. Approval of March 13, 2019, Closed Session Minutes. (Section 2-C-21)
B. Approval of action in Audrey Pruiett v. Stevese Woullard and Pace; Cook
County Case No. 17 L 3546. (Section 2-C-11)
C. Approval of action in Eusebio Hernandez and Manuela Gonzales v. Samuel
B. Wong and Pace; Cook County Case No. 18 M1 301085 (transferred to
Law Division). (Section 2-C-11)
11. Adjournment
Source: Pace Suburban Bus Service
Tags: Arlington Heights, board of directors, Pace Bus, The Suburban Bus Division