Novi, Michigan Virtual Assistant Now Offering Real Estate Support Services

There's a new "REVA" in town! Real Estate Virtual Assistance is now being offered in Novi, Michigan by an experienced virtual assistant with a background in legal assistance.

Listing Coordination and Transaction Management seem to be two things that most Realtors find necessary, yet daunting. After successfully completing a REVA Bootcamp, Dana Fortier, Owner & President of Your Branch Office is opening up a division of her five-year old VA service, to be called, "Your Branch Real Estate Office" on March 1, 2012.

"I've heard from many people that I'm ideally suited to be a Transaction Coordinator due to my background as a legal assistant. I come by my organization skills naturally," said Ms. Fortier. "When my friend and colleague started the REVA Bootcamp, I thought the time was right to see why so many people thought I'd be suited. They were right! I loved learning the process and have enjoyed the handful of transactions I've helped out with so far."

Listing Management is another aspect of the life of a property transaction that also really appealed to Ms. Fortier. These two services are available as stand-alone, flat-fee services, or combined to provide total listing and closing support to Realtors on a flat fee basis. "I really enjoy the marketing aspects associated with Listings. As a Buyer myself in the market for our new home, I know what appeals to me, and I think that brings an added layer to my clients," said Ms. Fortier.

For full Realtor support, Your Branch Real Estate Office is available for consultation and planning with referrals available to trusted colleagues and business partners.

After spending over 15 years as a legal assistant, Your Branch Office was opened in 2007 and provides executive support to CEOS, Business Owners, Attorneys and Financial Planners. Additional services available through Your Branch Real Estate Office and its parent company include: social media support for Realtors, website development and management for all industries, executive concierge services for CEOs, Business Owners, Executives, Entrepreneurs, Attorneys, Financial Planners, Coaches, Speakers and Authors.


Tags: closing, coordination, Dana Fortier, listing, management, REVA, transaction, va, virtual assistant, Your Branch Real Estate Office

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Dana Fortier
Press Contact, Your Branch Real Estate Office
Your Branch Real Estate Office
2320 Crown Dr.
Novi, MI 48377
United States