Novice Writer Publishes New-Aged Tale About Relationships in New Novel, the Colors of My Boudoir

PR gives details about the new novel about a woman's romantic journey.

Nashville, TN: Up and coming writer Kendrick Patrice tackles all of the hard topics women face as they date and navigate the tough world of relationships in the newly released novel entitled, The Colors of My Boudoir. Made up of color metaphors representing the nameless men the narrator encounters, she discusses her thrills, scandalous details, tears and all the emotions in between. Through vivid descriptions of the men, readers are not only taken on the narrator’s journeys through “love and lust”, but are also able to reflect on the stories in their own “personal boudoirs”.   

All women have these stories about the men they have invited into their personal "boudoirs". However, only that woman knows every intricate detail of these tantalizing tales: the wrong done to her, and the wrongs she has committed. From peach, jade, chartreuse, jasmine, crimson, gray and others, the narrator takes us on her voyage to self-reliance through her relationships with these men. Upon the end of her very difficult journey of "other women", being "the other woman", and other heart-wrenching ordeals, she learns how to be a complete woman for the man who eventually won her heart, white.

The intricate details of each man are painted with background information about the colors they represent in the narrator’s “formal erudition of the male species” and Kendrick Patrice crafts these descriptions into an unbelievable plot line that readers say is a page-turner.

About The Author: Kendrick Patrice is a poet and freelance writer from Detroit, MI. She currently resides in Nashville, TN, where she has served as an adjunct writing professor. She received her B.A., and M.A., in English from Tennessee State University. She enjoys painting, and traveling.

Media Inquiries: For more information, or to request an interview with Kendrick Patrice, contact her at (615) 696-9824 or


Tags: colors, men, relationships, Romance, women's fiction