NP Communications Announces Launch of American Journal for Nurse Practitioners Website
Online, November 19, 2010 ( - NP Communications, LLC, a leading publisher of reports and journals for Nurse Practitioners, announces the launch of the American Journal for Nurse Practitioners website.
The new publication website, designed by Gregg Trueman and his team at Humanize of New York, is structured to allow subscribers to easily find and access articles, news and information of interest to nurse practitioners. Through the website, visitors can subscribe to the American Journal for Nurse Practitioners and gain instant access to an extensive database of nurse practitioner articles, news and information.
Other site features include announcements regarding upcoming nurse practitioner conferences, events and meetings, authoritative columns by seasoned, professional nurse practitioners and links to nurse practitioner resources.
"This new dedicated website will serve as a comprehensive electronic resource for subscribers to the American Journal for Nurse Practitioners," said George Young, CEO and General Manager of NP Communications. "For over 13 years, the American Journal for Nurse Practitioners has been the premier clinical journal for busy NPs and the new online portal will offer not only the definitive, educational content that NPs expect, but will also include new articles and information not previously available through traditional print media."
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Tags: nurse practitioner articles, nurse practitioner journals, nurse practitioner resources