NSight Marketing Holding One Day Communications Workshop in Las Vegas

One-day workshop helps AEs and communication directors create a practical, actionable plan.

nSight Marketing will be holding a one day workshop in Las Vegas that will help attendees systemize and improve their communications. The training event, called the Build a Communications Plan Workshop, will be held April 21 at the Greater Las Vegas Association of REALTORS® office and is ideal for any communicator who would like to create an actionable communications plan.

During this informative workshop, attendees will learn about the "fraction of selection" formula, and how the words you chose will determine readership. They will then walk through the ten steps to building an association communications plan and actually do it.

Step one will focus on communications goals and step ten will end with a budget for communications. In the middle, attendees will learn how to develop calls to action, communications strategies and tactics to reach those goals. By learning the 10-step approach to their communications plan, attendees will be better prepared to meet the goals of their organization.

There are several benefits to creating a communications plan including:

• A plan helps direct the focus - beginning with communications goals.
• A plan set measurements so you can look at communications as a business asset, and not a necessary expense.
• Since communications are a staff project, someone needs to direct the communications. The plan helps you take the lead in directing your communications. It creates consistency in your messages.
• When you invest in communications education, you will become a better communications leader.

This workshop is created with a smaller audience in mind and as such there will be no more than 20 participants in the session. The size of the group encourages interaction and personal attention.

To learn more about the workshop or to register, please visit http://www.nSightmarketing.com/buildaplan.



Tags: communications, Education, las vegas

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Kelley Rodill
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