NuWave Technologies and Information Balance Partner to Expand Application Modernization Practices in HP NonStop Space

Today NuWave Technologies, a software company offering solutions for the HP NonStop platform and Information Balance, a leading provider of application portfolio management software, announce a strategic partnership to expand their application modernization practices aimed at clients using the HP NonStop platform.

Both NuWave and Information Balance have experience catering to global clients who need to modernize applications running on business-critical servers. Information Balance’s ib-ARM (application roadmap) software prepares corporations for this process by providing insight into their current application structure, while NuWave’s solutions actually facilitate the modernization process for HP NonStop users. This partnership builds a bridge between the two sales teams, creating a streamlined journey for HP NonStop customers.

At the start of this journey, a sales representative from either NuWave or Information Balance will identify the unique needs of a customer and then provide accurate guidance as to whether one of the partners’ solutions would be a good fit. Whether a corporation is planning to modernize their applications, migrate them to another platform, or simply maintain them, ib-ARM can provide the information necessary for organizations to make these decisions and prepare for whichever route they’ve chosen to take.

When a corporation decides to modernize a number of their applications at once, Information Balance’s solution will provide developers with an inventory of all of their components before they make changes to their applications. For HP NonStop applications, NuWave’s software simplifies modernization without any application changes. NuWave’s SOAPam Client users can easily and securely access external information from their HP NonStop applications, enriching them in real time with current stock prices, currency exchange rates, suppliers’ price quotes, warehouse inventory, and anything else that is in the form of a SOAP Web service, or could be converted into a SOAP Web service.

Information Balance and NuWave Technologies are excited for this new partnership, and the teams will be working closely together to ensure that HP NonStop customers receive the right solutions to overcome their unique IT challenges.

About NuWave Technologies, Inc. (

NuWave Technologies, Inc. provides software and services to HP NonStop users around the world, including BP, Capgemini, Cass Information Systems, JPMorgan Chase, Royal Bank of Canada (RBC), Shell, and many others. Their flagship software suite, SOAPam, connects HP NonStop applications to virtually any platform, allowing a secure exchange of information without any application changes.


 Gabrielle Guerrera

[email protected]

(603) 546-7379

About Information Balance, Inc. (

Information Balance, Inc. develops software solutions to support large scale application development and maintenance practices across mainstream technology platforms. Its flagship product ib-Application-Road-Map (ib-ARM) is a unique Application Portfolio Management (APM) solution. The company’s clients include leading financial services, insurance, telecommunications and retail organizations across North America.


Gabor Szirmak

[email protected]

+1 416 962-5235 x226  


Tags: APM, Application Modernization, Application Portfolio Management, HP NonStop, Legacy Modernization, Nonstop

About Information Balance, Inc.

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Information Balance, Inc.'s flagship product ib-Application-Road-Map (ib-ARM) is a unique Application Portfolio Management (APM) solution. The company's clients include leading financial services, telecommunications and retail organizations.

Information Balance, Inc.
1491 Yonge Street (Suite 200)
Toronto, ON M4T 1Z4