- the world's first online yellow pages that's GOOD for the environment!

The 130 year old yellow pages industry gets a much-needed, long overdue makeover to bring it in line with modern business and consumer concerns.

Did you know that every year in the USA, the yellow pages print industry prints in excess of 500 million yellow pages print directories.
To produce these 500 million books every year:

19 million trees need to be harvested

1.6 billion pounds of paper are wasted

7.2 million barrels of oil are misspent in their processing (not including the wasted gas used for their delivery to your doorstep)

268,000 cubic yards of landfill are taken up

3.2 billion kilowatt hours of electricity are squandered

Now, consider that this sequence of events is repeated every year in almost every country on earth and you realize that perhaps it is time to put the brakes on this ailing industry. The value proposition is simple: for every premium business listing sold in our directory, we will plant a tree on behalf of that business. In addition, with the world having recently come out of a crippling recession, our exceptionally rewarding affiliate program makes it possible for anybody to earn a realistic income by referring our service to people in their social network.

The service is open to ALL businesses and is designed to offer a meaningful alternative to print advertising by providing a fully-featured, cutting-edge online business listing service to the astute, in-touch business owner who understands the reputational and business benefits of plugging their business in to the rapidly expanding green economy. Statistics show that today's consumers are much more likely to transact or do business with companies that show concern for the environment and who are associated with an environmentally beneficial cause...listing on therefore makes extremely good business sense.

Purchasing a premium listing in is a quick and easy way for you to demonstrate your company's commitment to the environment; improve your website SEO and improve your chances of acquiring new customers and clients who are looking to do business with environmentally responsible businesses.

Can your current yellow pages provider claim these environmental credentials? By continuing to advertise in environmentally damaging publications, is your business continuing to reward practices that contribute to the destruction of our environment? Ask yourself, does your company support DEFORESTATION...or REFORESTATION?
List your business in and let the world know where you stand.


Tags: business directory, online advertising, online advertizing


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Charles Ash
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14 Commerce Crescent
Sandton, Johannesburg