NVMEngines to Exhibit and Present at IP SOC 2018; Company to Be Renamed Numem

NVMEngines, renamed Numem, will be exhibiting at IP SOC, on April 5, 2018 at the Hyatt Regency in Santa Clara. IP SOC is the premier worldwide conference for Silicon Intellectual Property providers and IP integrators.

Numem will present a paper titled “More than just eFlash, a Roadmap of how MRAM will change SOC Architectures.” The paper covers how MRAM fits into current and future SOC architectures.

Numem’s MRAM products will continue to evolve over time, bringing strong performance/power/cost advantages over eFlash, and better standby power/cost/density over selected embedded SRAM. Numem’s secure Storage Solutions and Software Tools provide significant benefits to SOCs in multiple applications including: IoT, Wearables, AI/Neuromorphic engines, Security/Cameras, Autonomous Vehicles and Data Centers.

Numem will be exhibiting from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and the presentation will take place at 5 p.m.


Hyatt Regency, Santa Clara
5101 Great America Parkway, Santa Clara, USA

More information on IP SOC is available at: http://www.design-reuse-embedded.com/ipsocdays/ipsocdays2018/santaClara2018

Contact: [email protected]

About Numem

Numem (formerly NVMEngines) is a leading provider of advanced memory products based on MRAM/ReRAM. Numem leverages its 45+ years-experience in MRAM/ReRAM Memory and Software Tools. Numem’s patented technology provides best in class power, area, performance and product robustness, enabling secure, low power storage with complete solutions from Silicon to Software. Learn more at www.numem.com.

Source: Numem


Tags: AI, Autonomous Vehicles, Embedded memory, high performance memory, IoT, Low Power memory, MRAM, non volatile memory, ReRAM, Secure Storage, SoC, Wearables

About Numem

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The leading provider of advanced Smart Compute Memory IP Cores based on its patented "SmartMem" technology.

Farshad Zarghami
Sr. Dir. Marketing and Business Development, Numem
440 N. Wolfe Road
Sunnyvale, CA 94085
United States