NYC Attorney Launches DWI DU Websites to Help Those Accused of DWI DUI in New York City

The Law Office of Michael S. Discioarro has launched new websites in helping those accused of DWI DUI in New York City and Long Island

Dec 10, 2009 - For the average person, being charged with DWI or DUI can be devastating. The costs can be upwards of $15,000.00 for a first offenses if convicted. Former prosecutor Michael S. Discioarro has launched borough specific DWI DUI defense websites aimed at helping those accused of this crime. Mr. Discioarro states that "I have seen too many people pushed around by prosecutors in DWI cases and it is time to even the field." So

These websites give people accused of DWI specific information as it relates to how each county prosecutes DWI cases. Or those accused can call 917-519-8417 for immediate help. The penalties for DWI have become harsher and harsher. The NYPD now confiscates people's cars, the DMV will suspend licenses, and some prosecutors have been asking for jail time for those arrested for the first time. In some cases people are forced into year long programs in order to get their license back. If you have been charged with a DWI you need to really protect yourself and have an experienced attorney on your side.


Tags: bronx dwi lawyer, dui, dwi, lawyer, manhattan dwi lawyer, New York City

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