ObtainAid Set to Give Africa Better Support

The pioneering Personal-need focused Crowdfunding Platform that Connects Africans in need to people with a passion to help.

ObtainAid today announced the launch of its Indiegogo campaign to raise needed funds to finish up with the development of its top-notch crowdfunding platform. Pioneering in all aspect, ObtainAid is the first crowdfunding platform to focus specifically on personal-needs in Africa thus initiating a better way in which the world can lend support to the needs of Africans.  The Indiegogo campaign (http://igg.me/at/ObtainAid) is set out to raise $87,860 to setup a fully functional platform to cater for the personal needs of Africans.

A predominant problem faced by many in African countries is that they do not have established crowd funded charities compared to their industrialized counterparts like the United States of America where we have the likes of indiegogo and gofundme amongst others . When the masses give to charities such as UNICEF, they do not have the power to directly pick what relief they would like to partake or how much of their money they would allocate to that particular relief effort. Majority of African countries still have more than half of her population wallowing in poverty. Just as it is widely known, most of these African countries are ridden with corruption at every level; the charity officials fill their pockets and the needy get the leftovers if any.

I've seen people with bright future snuffed out due to situations that could have been managed but for lack of fund and this is awful!

Ife John , Founder

I've seen people with bright future snuffed out due to situations that could have been managed but for lack of fund and this is awful" said ObtainAid founder Ife John "." But with Obtainaid, you actually get to ask the world to help with your need."

Bridging the gap between contributions made to the African Continent through non-governmental agencies and other means that fail to be distributed efficiently, ObtainAid (www.obtainaid.com) will operate with complete transparency so that those who contribute via the platform will always know exactly where their money goes – to those with needs that touches their hearts. It’s not a hand out- it’s a hand up.

About ObtainAid

ObtainAid is a revolutionary crowdfunding platform developed with one goal in mind: to make better the lives of Africans thus building a better future for Africa and the world at large. ObtainAid will be working on low administrative cost as the team consists of both technical and business people who are truly passionate about this course.

Media Contact:

Wen Palmers

[email protected]


Campaign url  : (http://igg.me/at/ObtainAid)



Tags: Africa, lives, pioneering, Startup, technology