Obvious Wines Launches Unprecedented Lifelong Membership Program, Providing Members Wine for the Entire Duration of Their Life

Life of Wine - Obvious Wines' New $6,000 One-Time Purchase, Lifelong Membership - Essentially a Roth WineRA

Life of Wine Image

"Life of Wine" is Obvious Wines' new lifelong wine membership: for $6,000 members get the ability to order four bottles of wine per month, every month, for the rest of their life at no additional cost. Any wine currently listed on the Obvious Wines website is eligible for order, shipping and taxes are covered, and limited-edition wines are also eligible.

"What if you always knew you had a quality wine to come home to? What if you never had to worry about having wine for an unexpected guest again? What if you were always prepared to bring delicious French sparkling wine to any event on the calendar?" asks Brice Baillie, Obvious Wines founder and CEO. "Working in the wine trade, we can be somewhat desensitized to such conveniences as we often have an excess of great boutique wine on hand. Our goal is to make that same peace of mind more accessible."

Thus, Obvious Wines has created something to alleviate wine worries. Not to take the place of a customer's favorite bottle, or that 30-year-old French classic they were gifted on their wedding night. Instead, this is about making sure customers always have some delicious wine on hand. An excellent deal when considering rising inflation rates. Who knows what a sustainable & boutique bottle of wine will go for in 10-20 years? Not only that, but a full return on the investment is guaranteed after the seven-year mark. Truly a unique proposition, something that can only be described as a Roth WineRA. $6,000 for a lifetime worth of wine - time to drink up.


Source: Obvious Wines


Tags: alcohol, beverage, business, california, deals, direct to consumer, ecommerce, france, lifelong, lifetime, membership, red wine, white wine, wine, wine and spirits