Occupational Skin Protection Defies Spending Cuts

Despite widespread cuts and efficiency drives, recent figures indicate that employers appear to be maintaining their corporate spend on occupational skin protection products.


Despite widespread cuts and efficiency drives, recent figures indicate that employers appear to be maintaining their corporate spend on occupational skin protection products. Employee health and safety is not only a legal duty, it can also have a beneficial impact on the bottom line.

Latest figures from the Health and Safety Executive estimate that some 16,000 workers in the United Kingdom suffer from work-related skin problems. Previous surveys have indicated that staff sickness attributable to skin problems is in the region of a quarter of a million lost working days per year. In the current tough economic climate that is a quarter of a million reasons not to trim back on occupational skin protection.

Those most at risk from workplace induced dermatitis and its associated industrial related injuries are found in the florist, hairdressing and textile processing industries. Soaps, cleansing agents and wet work were identified as the main causative agents.

"Despite the recession our sales figures have increased by 16%" says Peter Friswell, Managing Director of Benchmark Technologies Ltd. Customers of the skin protectant company include bricklayers, electricians, hairdressers, industrial engineers, kitchen professionals, lab technicians, mechanics and print workers.

Peter offered this explanation: "As organisations have downsized during the economical turbulence I believe that they still recognise the true cost of having skilled workers absent through avoidable skin problems."

Derma Shield is a pharmaceutical grade skin protectant with ingredients that are designed to prevent and treat occupational dermatitis. Its microscopic shield protects against allergen contact whilst it's antipuritic and moisturising qualities help alleviate existing irritation and maintain a healthy epidermis. Clinically and laboratory tested, it has been serving the industrial and public sectors for over 15 years.

Derma Shield's website is available at http://www.dermashield.co.uk

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Further Information

If you would like further information about this topic, or wish to schedule an interview with Peter Friswell, please telephone 01633 877569

Pictures for use with this release are available at:


16,000 workers suffering from work-related skin problems: Labour Force Survey 2008/09 - www.hse.gov.uk/statistics/lfs/0809/swit3w12.htm

250,000 lost working days due to skin problems: Labour Force Survey 2001/02 - www.hse.gov.uk/statistics/lfs/0102/typesex3.htm

Industries with highest incidence of workplace induced dermatitis: EPIDERM and OPRA www.hse.gov.uk/statistics/tables/thors04.htm

Main causative agents inducing work-related dermatitis: Health & Safety Executive, Dermatitis and other skin disorders - Summary


Tags: health & safety, occupational health, skincare

About Derma Shield Skin Care

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Peter Friswell
Press Contact, Derma Shield Skin Care
Derma Shield Skin Care
307 Springvale Ind Est
NP44 5BR