Occupy Wall Street Growth A New Generation

Occupy Wall Street demonstrations have now entered into its second month. New York City's most powerful unions joined forces with the occupiers. Demonstrations have swelled up around the globe creating a media feast.

Occupy Wall Street protest have now entered into its second month. New York City's most powerful unions have joined forces with the occupiers.

Meanwhile, similar "occupation" movements are springing up all over the world. Occupy events are now running in 1500 cities across the globe, with 500 in 48 states in America. Despite the difference in language, reasoning, and scale, the protests have one thing in common a united frustration with their governments loyalties to corporations over their own citizens.

Actors, comedians and historical figures have all converged on the downtown Manhattan plaza to listen to the protesters, share their concerns and offer their support. Celebrities like Alec Baldwin, Kanye West, Mike Meyers, and of course Michael Moore have attended meetings, talked politics with the protesters, and more importantly helped to put a recognizable face in the crowd.

The Reverend Jessie Jackson has even lent a hand, and stopped police from taking down a medical supply tent the demonstrators were using.

The beauty of the movement is there is no leadership structure. While some politicians would have you think this discredits the group or brings chaos to their message the reality is it's simplistic nature has helped it to become the force it is today. There is no one leader, or group of leaders to arrest to end the movement, no one to persecute, or hold accountable, and this is what makes the movement purely brilliant.

In the sixties their was an easy way out, and it always ended with a bang, but in today's on camera society every moment is recorded so the government can't arrest us all, and every time the police do make arrests it is on a media outlet within two minutes. Every time they pepper-spray or club an innocent protesters, the movement grows.

The demands of the protesters are as simple as the movement itself they are so simple politicians pretend they don't even exist.

To hold accountable the Wall Street criminals that caused the 2008 financial crisis, and have the rich pay their fair share. No more of companies like GE paying zero or negative taxes. No more bailing out companies so they can afford to pay their top 1% billions of dollars a year, while their income goes into off shore accounts, no more of our government being controlled by corporations, and greed, and a full student loan pardon. If billionaires can get bailed out why not the working class?

The main reason the Occupy Wall Street demonstrations will continue to flourish is simple as well, the movement's core complaint is not radical, or new it's something shared by most Americans.

To learn more about Occupy Wall Street visit
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street news, events and more.


Tags: economics, news, Occupy Wall Street, occupy wall street news

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