Ochre House And Pinstripe Create Strategic Workforce Planning Roadmap

As HR professionals look to be more strategic in a tough economy, there are still barriers to implementing Strategic Workforce Planning (SWP), according to leading international talent management and RPO firm, Ochre House.

In a series of global think tanks held in London, Holland, Germany, Singapore and San Francisco, Ochre House and its American partner Pinstripe brought together senior HRD's of leading global organisations to discuss the success criteria for effective SWP.

With involvement from organisations including Arcelor Mittal, Barclays Wealth, Xerox, Gilead, BAE, Nokia, Shell, T-mobile, BT, Vodafone and Siemans, Ochre House and Pinstripe have developed a roadmap to SWP.

This framework - outlined in the whitepaper A Blueprint for Effective Strategic Workforce Planning - consists of seven key stages:

* Create a vision for success that aligns talent with the strategic direction of the organisation
* Engage stakeholders to build support for your vision
* Start simple. It doesn't need to be overly complicated
* Define your deliverables in the early stages to give you clear goals to aim for
* Identify the right internal talent to help execute your plan and achieve your vision
* Leverage market intelligence and internal data
* Iterate. SWP is a continuous process that must evolve so always leverage feedback

"As HR professionals we've long been talking about Strategic Workforce Planning, but with so many barriers to overcome and a lack of examples, there has been no clear guidance on how to implement it." According to Sue Brooks, Managing Director at Ochre House. "Whilst there will never be a one-size-fits-all solution, we hope these seven pillars to success will give HR departments the guidance they need to develop a structured and fully strategic workforce plan."

For a copy of the full whitepaper including the detailed roadmap or for more information on Strategic Workforce Planning, email [email protected]


Tags: HR Consultancy, Ochre House, Talent Management Company

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