OECD On Flexibility In Taxation
Online, October 12, 2010 (Newswire.com) - OECD On Flexibility In Taxation
Press contact:
Barbora Kuckova
Marketing Executive
Jacob Fleming Group
[email protected]
Tel: +421 257 272 126
"Transfer pricing and taxation in a changing environment, can anything be learnt from last year?" asks Stefaan De Baets who is the First Attache of Finances of the Belgian Ministry of Finance, also holding the position of vice chair of the Joint Transfer Pricing Forum within the EU, and the Working Party No.6 of the OECD.
The current economic environment has created many challenges for Multinational corporations and how they plan for the future. Of particular importance is corporate taxation strategies and transfer pricing. Government policies are targeting and tightening tax policies and expanding the remit of taxation. MNC are now faced with ever increasing compliance and regulatory issues in countries which they operate. This makes it difficult for them to plan ahead and coordinate various business departments.
Stefaan De Baets, will discuss the current situation at the upcoming 2nd Annual Corporate Tax Forum organized by Jacob Fleming. He will be accompanied with 28 other speakers from organisations such as OC Oerlikon, Reed Elsevier Group, UniCredit Group, Siemens, Shell, Teva, and many more. The event will take place on the 17 & 18 January 2011, London
The idea of sustainable development and stable tax policies will comprise of two streams at the upcoming forum. The first stream will focus on Progress on Transfer Pricing, such as recent developments in global transfer pricing documentation, green agenda, transfer pricing issues surrounding intangibles, plus much more. The second stream will focus on Corporate Taxation Strategies including the use of Tax havens, CFC taxation and legislation and other tax planning strategies.
"The conference was a very good event overall! Again, this shows your expertise and professionalism as conference producer with Jacob Fleming as the event organization in the background. I am looking forward to further cooperation in future."
M.L., Head of Transfer Pricing, Henkel
This forum which has been organized by Jacob Fleming will convene in London with more than 150 other professionals attending.
Should you decide to become one of the attendees please contact Barbora Kuckova on +421 257 272 126 or email [email protected]
About Jacob Fleming Group
Jacob Fleming Conferences are carefully designed to provide key strategic business information and the best networking opportunities for the participants. Our business to business conferences are highly interactive events with a limited number of delegates from specialized industry sectors. For each conference Jacob Fleming brings together selected senior level executives who become part of a premium community discussing the questions of the day and enjoying the value of a five star event.
For more information visit www.jacobfleming.com
Tags: conference, Corporation, London, tax, taxation, Transfer Pricing