Olympic Athletes Are Joining Powerful Movement for Girls and Women

The #NEVERTOOPRETTY Movement has been catching the attention of female athletes in the Olympics! Mikaela Mayer, a boxer in the 2016 Olympics and Debbie Meyer, a swimmer in the 1968 Olympics have joined the movement! This movement created by the brand Too Pretty allows girls and women to post a photo of themselves holding a sign that says what they are Never Too Pretty to do or be along with their story.
Debbie Meyer- Gold Medalist Olympic Swimming

Olympic athletes are joining the #NEVERTOOPRETTY Movement!  The movement was created by Cary Williams, founder of Too Pretty. As a former Olympic style boxer herself and current Olympic level boxing coach, she has heard the words, "You are Too Pretty to be a fighter", many times.  Essentially, what those people were trying to say is that she was not capable because of her femininity.  Pretty really just means feminine. There are so many girls and women who are involved in male dominated sports and industries. A woman does not have to be an athlete to be to be scrutinized in this way. This occurs with entrepreneurs, doctors, writers, military and the list goes on!

Girls and women of all ages should be encouraged to feel confident, powerful, beautiful and intelligent, no matter what their passions are in life. Play and work had enough to chip that nail polish!

Cary Williams, Founder of Too Pretty

The Too Pretty brand was created in late 2015 with the mission to reach as many girls and women around the globe with the Never Too Pretty message. Women who have pioneered by including themselves in these male dominated sports and industries have blazed a trail and inspire girls growing up today.

Source: Too Pretty


Tags: brands, fashion, femenism, olympics, small business, social movement

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Brand created by a woman for girls and women. The Never Too Pretty mantra creates an empowering message. To be strong without sacrificing ones femininity.