One Mans Answer To Being Made Unemployed

If You Can't Get Work Start Your Own Classified Website. Roy Cooper, a 55 year old computer engineer, who was laid off after 20 years in a company, has launched his own classified job site to help himself & others get work.

In the present climate of global economic meltdown, and company downsizing, it didn't take Roy from London long to realize that the normal means of finding work, is a quagmire.

And, 1000s of people looking for work in every major city in the world are facing the same dilemma.

"We are all chasing the same jobs", he said, and at 55 years old, for me, it is an impossible climb.

I want to work, and I have the skill to do a good day's work for a fair days pay, he added.

And, I am not alone. We are all surrounded by others who want to work and have a mass of skill both on an individual and a collective basis.

The big problem is that no one knows who we are, where we are, or what we can do for them.

'That's why I started', he said.

Anyone with a skill or craft may advertise themselves and what they have to offer.

In the old days, you could place a small postcard in a local shop and local people would call and give you work. Then word of mouth would get you more work.

There are classified ad sites on the internet, but all of them put the 'work wanted' section way down the list on their priorities.Also those sites are mainly for general 'work wanted'.

My site differs, he said, because people advertise themselves and their skills specifically.

These skills may be the result of years of experience, working for companies, or could be the result of a passionate hobby or pastime.

The man around the corner may have been a gardener for 20 years at Kew Gardens, and he would love to get a day's wage fixing your garden, If only you knew about him.

"I wanted a site dedicated to workers offering skill on a daily or even hourly basis".

"A day's work could even lead to a full time job", he said.

The advert details are kept to a minimum (just like the proverbial postcard, in the shop window).

Skill Title - Details - Contact Name and the means to make contact.

The site also has Google maps built in so that a worker can indicate their working area, and it has an inbuilt feedback option.

That's it, he said, sweet and simple. "If you have a skill or even a hobby that you are real good at", "and you feel others will pay for your services", post your advert.

It is FREE he said, and he will try to keep it as such, however he does have a donation button in place, which he hopes will raise enough to maintain the site and further promote it.


Tags: classified jobs, skilled workers, unemployed

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Roy Cooper
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Kingston Upon Thames, Surrey
United Kingdom