One Sockdolager of A Review -- A New Birth of Freedom: The Visitor
Online, July 5, 2011 (
By Robert G. Pielke
Altered Dimensions,$14.95,226 pages
The battle of Gettysburg was one of the bloodiest battles in the history of American warfare, and the most critical turning point in the Civil War. New deadly weaponry and inadequate medical treatments lead to the death of more than 50,000 American soldiers. According to Edwin Blair, that is nothing compared to the plague the Pest will bring. In the first part of this trilogy, A New Birth of Freedom: The Visitor Blair comes to the past to unite Lincoln and Lee into fighting an alien force that could threaten both the past, present, and future of mankind. Blair, chosen for this mission due to the fact that this time period is his strong suit, devises a plan that changes the course of history but could possibly be endangering his own life. This alternate historical book is a wonderful read that captures both the imagination and style of the Civil War and delivers it in a entertaining manner.
Robert G. Pielke has created a book that is comprehensively well organized, with every line and action focused mainly on the story. The real draw is the mystery and excitement that pulls the reader into the story. Pielke's writing style is clean, precise, and perfectly well paced. I really enjoyed the character development within the book and the relationship between Blair, Lincoln, and Lincoln's cabinet. Blair tries his best to fit in with this crowd, but he can help but to "geek out" over all the historical events happening around him. It is that real emotion of Blair that grounds the book and makes Blair so relatable and loveable. I would love to see a little bit more depth to Lincoln's and Lee's personalities. Both men are intimidating, but seem to be shoved into the background. Hopefully, they will play a bigger part in the upcoming stories. But, out of everything, I am looking forward to the conclusion of Blair's story and how it will shape the world as we know it.
Tags: alien contact, alternate history, fiction, First Contact, Literature, Pielke, san francisco, science fiction, science fiction convention, time travel