One-Stop-Fashionista-Shop/ TellusFashion Launches Unique Online Store Marketplace

The fresh fashion inspired brand, TellusFashion today launches their revolutionary online store marketplace which enables consumers and couture for the first time to connect on an international platform.

The clean and classic online store marketplace is a one-stop shop which is tailored to fit your taste, figure and purse whatever your requirements. TellusFashion enables clientele access to a selection of high calibre, fresh and forthcoming international designers' whose collections range from ready-to-wear and haute couture to inspired jewelry collections; high end to high affordable fashion all at the comfort of your computer.

Registered users will be able to contact designers personally with the TellusFashion's unique Fashion on Demand function will enable enabling consumers to send personalised requests for any bespoke fashion items to be created by their chosen designer/s that are registered on the platform.

The online store marketplace also hosts an Auction function, which has been created to change the world of fashion as the founders of TellusFashion believes that fashion should not be treated differently to any other commodity such as art, wine etc and should therefore be priced by supply and demand. If a designer has created a bespoke item or a limited edition of products, they should not set the price, but rather the market should determine what that item should be worth and this will be done through the auction function. where clientele can view fashion photography revealing exclusive fashion pieces from a variety of international designers and bid on their favourite showpiece. Fashionistas and designers alike will be able to communicate on this functional fashion platform, whilst being visually updated to by? TellusFashion's News and Events section, Blog, Forum and fresh feeds through Facebook™ and Twitter™ and fresh fashion feeds and forums daily.

Editor's notes:
TellusFashion was established in 2010. At the heart of the brand's philosophy is to give designers the opportunity to succeed. A vision of recognition, respect and reputable clientele for upcoming talented fashion designers and a platform to present the latest products and collections led to the founders, Staffan Elfver and Daniel Johansson seamlessly creating a brand forum for fashionistas. "There was a gap in the market that had to be recognized, the TellusFashion brand is going to revolutionize the Fashion Industry." TellusFashion is a one-stop store marketplace where consumers can buy emerging fashion, read news, follow street style fashion in different cities and countries, browse, bid and order bespoke items and emerging designers get the promotion they deserve and need, assistance and they can showcase or sell their upcoming collections at a fixed price or one determined by the market.

TellusFashion: Connecting consumers and emerging fashion designers clothing worldwide.


Tags: Consumers, fashion, fashion designers

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Staffan Elfver
Press Contact, Tellus Fashion
Tellus Fashion
164 Watermans Quay
William Morris Way