Online Bank Fraud Victim Speaks Out at ISSA of Los Angeles Third Annual Information Security Summit on Protecting Businesses from Cyber Attacks

Ann Talbot, online fraud victim and Chief Financial Officer at Golden State Bridge, Inc., will be the featured speaker at the ISSA-LA third annual Information Security Summit to be held on June 15th at UCLA.

Online bank fraud victim Ann Talbot, Chief Financial Officer at Golden State Bridge, Inc.,, is a featured speaker at the Los Angeles Chapter of the Information Systems Security Association (ISSA-LA) third annual Information Security Summit to be held on Wednesday, June 15, 2011 at 7:30 AM on the UCLA Campus and will be hosted by UCLA Extension. The theme of this year's Summit is The Growing Cyber Threat: Protect Your Business.

"Most businesses have this idea that cyber crime is something that happens to someone else and that banks have systems that protect them and are fail-safe," said Ann Talbot. "The reality is that today's cyber crime environment is so sophisticated that any bank customer that doesn't take extra measures to prevent a breach of their accounts is an incident waiting to happen. Be advised, your money may not be safe."

Ms. Talbot will be speaking at a Special Executive Session of the Summit that will also include
"White Hat" Hacker Marc Maiffret of eEye Digital Security, Cyber Crime Investigator David Nardoni, CISSP, EnCE, Virginia Robbins of California Bank of Commerce and computer security pioneer and ISSA-LA President Stan Stahl, Ph.D.

"There has been an explosive growth in cybercrime in the two years since our first Summit, including the brazen theft of millions from corporate bank accounts," says ISSA-LA President Stahl. "Yesterday's defenses don't work against the worst of today's cyber-attacks. Those attending will learn how to meet the latest cyber challenges from industry leaders and get to talk to more than 25 information security vendors."

"We're excited by the quality of speakers participating in this year's Summit," Dr. Stahl announced. "They include some of our most popular speakers, information security thought leaders like Steve Lipner of Microsoft, Gene Schultz of Emagined Security and Jeremiah Grossman of White Hat. We're particularly excited to have Carl Terzian as a special keynote speaker."

The Summit is the only educational forum in Los Angeles specifically designed to encourage participation and interaction among all three vital information security constituencies: (1) business executives, senior business managers, and their trusted advisors; (2) technical IT personnel with responsibility for information systems and the data they contain; and (3) information security practitioners with responsibility for ensuring the security of sensitive information.

Registration is open to anyone interested in learning more about information security but is particularly recommended for business executives and senior managers; business professionals in law, accounting, insurance and banking; technical IT personnel; and information security practitioners.

The Information Security Summit is part of ISSA-LA's important community outreach program. The goal of the program is to help our community stay safe from cybercrime by enabling the necessary collaboration between business and community leaders, technical IT professionals and the information security community.
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About Information Systems Security Association (ISSA)
The Information Systems Security Association is a not-for-profit, international organization of information security professionals and practitioners. It provides educational forums, publications and peer interaction opportunities that enhance the knowledge, skill and professional growth of its members. The primary goal of ISSA is to promote management practices that will ensure availability, integrity and confidentiality of information resources. For more information or to register, please visit: .

About Stan Stahl, Ph.D.
Dr. Stahl is the founder and president of Citadel Information Group, Inc., an information security management firm. He is a pioneer in the field of information security, entering the field in 1980. He began his career securing teleconferencing at the White House, databases inside Cheyenne Mountain and the communications network controlling our nuclear weapons arsenal. Dr. Stahl earned his Ph.D. in mathematics from The University of Michigan and spent nearly 15 years teaching university mathematics. Once an active researcher, Dr. Stahl has published more than a dozen papers in advanced mathematics and computer science. He has taught courses in information security, software engineering, project management and computer programming at several universities and colleges. He recently served on the faculty at the University of Southern California in the School of Engineering's Information Technology Program. For More information, visit .


Tags: Ann Talbot, Carl terzian, Cyber crime, Golden State Bridge, Inc, information security, ISSA-LA, los angeles, Microsoft, online fraud, Stan Stahl, ucla, Virginia Robbins of California B, web security

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