Online Company Shows How to Grow Medical Marijuana Legally

Medical marijuana is legal to grow and can have health benefits as well, shows a recently launched website. The website speaks about the various horticultural aspects of growing the herb as well as focuses on the legality of growing it.

Rocklin, CA, July 22, 2010 - Medical marijuana ( ) is legal to grow and can have health benefits as well, shows a recently launched website. The website speaks about the various horticultural aspects of growing the herb as well as focuses on the legality of growing it.

Marijuana is long known to have medicinal properties but it has somehow been kept away from the prestige that other similar medicinal herbs have achieved. Now, if the efforts of a newly launched website are in order, it might become well within reach for most Americans to grow medical marijuana ( ) in their backyards. The website is run by Sammy Trujillo who has beefed up the pages of the website with a lot of content about the horticultural practices involved in growing medical marijuana and has also included information on various state laws about growing this particular herb.

The website has been quite aptly titled It's Okay to Grow, available at

Medical marijuana has been ascribed with a lot of health benefits. Herbalists speak about its benefits in finding relief from arthritis, nausea and chronic pain. It is also recommended for women who suffer from hot flashes and have sudden mood swings. Medical marijuana is notable to alleviating these conditions.

One point that was in debate about marijuana was about the side effects. People have always been apprehensive about using it fearing what repercussions its usage might bring in. Sammy Trujillo, the owner of the website says, "It is quite right that people are still quite skeptical about using medical marijuana. However, we have been using this for quite some time now and haven't experienced any unwarranted side effects. In fact, this is an herb with medicinal properties just as green tea, ginseng, saw palmetto and others. Even overdosing on this product is not harmful because like all other herbs, it is completely safe to use.

The website also has a lot of information on other aspects of growing medical marijuana such as where to find suppliers of seeds, where to find point of sale systems, how to find insurance partners for your crop and so on. All this content is easily available to anyone to fills in a short online form that asks for details such as name and email id.

A DVD named as the Mary n' Jane Horticulture DVD is being sold through the website. This instructional disk is available for download through the website. In addition, the website also hosts a blog which is regularly updated with content related to the herb. People can also post questions about their marijuana-related issues and obtain answers from experts.


Tags: cannabis laws, mary n jane, Medical Cannabis, medical marijuana, medical marijuana laws

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Sammy Trujillo
Press Contact, It's Okay, LLC
It's Okay, LLC
269 Technology Way, Suite 1
Rocklin, CA 95765