Online Credit Card Debt Help - Consolidate and save today.

Credit card debt may be at an all time high and the economy may not show any signs of getting better, A New Horizon Credit Counseling provides a solution for consumers that have excessive credit card debt

A New Horizon Credit Counselings core program offers a solution to individuals who are finding it difficult to successfully meet their monthly financial obligations. Administered by dedicated Certified Credit Counselors, the program is designed to assist those individuals in regaining control of their finances by restructuring their outstanding unsecured debts through a budgeting process, financial education, and financial counseling resulting
in reduced monthly payments and interest.

ANH credit counseling services help you evaluate your financial situation and provide you with comprehensive review of your income assets and expenses, including unsecured debts such as credit cards, department store cards, personal loans, past due medical bills, past due utility bills and IRS bills.

Certified credit counselors provide personalized service as well as alternatives based upon needs which include agency referrals, educational materials, and an ancillary Debt Consolidation and Management Plan.

If a Debt Management Plan is your best option, you will be provided with a personal, professional counselor who is experienced and empathetic when it comes to understanding your financial circumstances; A New Horizon counselors are trained to establish a financial plan that will meet your needs. ( ) has an excellent track record spanning 15 years, of helping thousands of consumers from all walks of life and professions.

With the current economic state, families now more than ever need reliable sources of financial advice from dedicated licensed debt counselors
to guide them through the debt consolidation process and the tools to prevent future financial disaster.

Other benefits of our Debt Management Plan Include:

* No hidden fees
* Most creditor guidelines provide for lower interest rates
* No waiting period to get started
* $100 minimum balance required per account
* We can develop a sensible budget for you that you can live with.
* We will not terminate you from the plan if you are unable to fulfill established payment terms. Once we are notified, we work to further identify a plan that will accurately reflect your ability to pay off your credit card debt.

About ANH Credit Counseling Service
A New Horizon has been providing Credit Counseling Services since 1978, including Debt Management and Financial Literacy. The company is celebrating over 15 years as a Non-profit Organization and is ISO-9001 Certified. Operating nationwide & in Puerto Rico, the company's headquarters are located in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida

For more information about their programs contact Stuart Lieberman at 954-545-6160 ext: 1126 or 1-800-556-1548. They can also be found on the web at or reached via email at


Tags: credit card debt, credit counseling, debt consolidation, debt management

About A new Horizon Credit Counseling

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S. Lieberman
Press Contact, A new Horizon Credit Counseling
A new Horizon Credit Counseling
2700 Cypress Creek Rd
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309