Online Mental Trainer Releases 7 Mental Skills To Master The Mind And Reach High Performance More Often

Success Doesn't Have to Be Sporadic, In Fact it Should be Quite Deliberate. According to Dr. Neff There are 7 Tips Athletes Must Learn in Order to Be a Sports Champion

Dallas, TX - March 3, 2010 - Mental Training Inc. (MTI), a Dallas-Fort Worth based firm that provides mental training to athletes and business professionals around the world. Also, the creator of Online Mental Trainer (OMT), a web-based tool that generates a custom mental training program so athletes can improve their performance, announces today the release of "7 Mental Training Tips", a video and PDF package of information with 7 mental skills to master the mind and reach high performance more often.

"You wouldn't expect to peak as an athlete if you didn't master the technical elements of your sport. You wouldn't expect to reach your potential if you only gave a half-hearted effort to maximizing your fitness and movement." says Dr. Robert Neff, Founder and CEO of Mental Training Inc. "There are 7 mental skills we have found to be key in helping train and master the mind to reach the highest performance more often."

OMT has put together a video on them and also a PDF so athletes can print them and have them available at all times. Download the PDF here. These 7 mental skill tips are a sampling of the customized mental training programs MTI offers on a one-on-one coaching basis or via Online Mental Trainer (OMT). Dr. Neff and his team have hand selected these tips and ordered them in a very purposeful manner. The team at MTI believes that success doesn't have to be sporadic; that is should in fact be very deliberate.

"On behalf of the entire MTI Team, I invite you and challenge you to not just read these tips but to make a decision to master these mental skills." Brad Jurica, Director of Mental Training and COO.

About Mental Training, Inc. (MTI) - MTI was founded in 2006 with a mission to provide customized, affordable mental training to athlete and business professionals around the world. Since that time, some of the brightest minds in the field of sport psychology have become MTI Certified Mental Trainers®. MTI works with a variety of age, experience, and competitive levels within a multitude of sport, business, and other performance industries.

About Online Mental Trainer (OMT) - OMT is a web-based tool that generates a custom mental training program so athletes can improve their performance. Unlike other mental training services, OMT is affordable and gives access to the same information used by pro and Olympic athletes.

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Tags: Mental Toughness, Performance Anxiety, sports psychology, sports psychology consultation

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Bob Neff
Press Contact, Mental Training Inc.
Mental Training Inc.
13760 Noel Rd.
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