Online Slots SEO Competition by European Game Developer Exposes Parts of Google Algorithm

After popular NeoGames developer launches SEO Competition, internet marketing expert, Trevor Weir, uncovers interesting factors in regards to ranking within Google algorithm.

Online marketing relies on a variety of factors to help a website or webpage rank well within the search engines. With the last 2010 update of the Google serp algorithm, webmasters and search engine marketing specialists have reported mixed findings in terms of both traffic increases and incredible traffic losses. What worked in late 2009 through mid 2010 stopped working as well when the algorithm change went into effect.

On any particular day, it is difficult to reverse engineer how Google ranks a particular group of sites for particular search terms. Trevor Weir offers keen insight into how seo competitions like the one held by neogames and the affiliate competition by epic traffic systems which both resulted in thousands of affiliates building over a million indexed and properly seo'd pages on the same topic partially expose how google ranks new pages established specifically for the purpose of the seo competition.

In addition, Weir explains the method with which Google handles search result entries. "You must keep on adding links and new content material to the website continuously to get a great page rank to your site, however seo competitions like this show that there is definitely very important additional factors that can for periods of time massively override the much overhyped backlink factor." explains Weir.

Couple this with the fundamental methods of proper onpage optimization, article syndication, social media and other linking strategies, website owners can continually boost their overall rankings in organic search. "However, the page should have no more than 3% density for the keyword phrase...because otherwise it looks, acts,walks and talks like spam", warns Weir.

As part of the NeoGames SEO Competition, Weir created to provide a case study to test the new findings regarding the latest updates with the Google algorithm. With more than 400,000 new pages created for this seo competition the competition is quite fierce but interestingly enough Weir's site is actually in first place for the search term, "win real money playing online slots at".

Though the site mentioned above is currently in first place with less than 48 hours left, it has been disqualified for having 5 of the 8 keywords in its domain name. Read more on what the Weir Seo team learned about how Google treats search results when a little less than half a million new web pages are competing for the same term, "win real money playing online slots at".

Find out more about the Google Algorithm updates at or visit to see an example of a top 5 entry in the neogames seo competition.


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