Open Access Combination Therapy Database Launched

An open access database with combination treatment details of more than 1100 human diseases

After the huge success with discovery of the so called "cocktail drugs" for treatment of AIDS (combination of three or more potent drugs that target HIV, the virus that causes AIDS), scientists are working hard to find out similar strategies of combination therapy to treat diseases like cancer, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, inflammatory diseases and many more. Combination therapy most often refers to the simultaneous administration of two or more medications to treat a single disease, which gained popularity in the past five or six years.

Hundreds and thousands of proteins are involved in signaling process for the cell to function properly. Therefore, knocking out one target molecule in a biochemical pathway is a very conventional strategy and it often fails to find out a cure for a disease. With combination therapy researchers are trying to find out strategies to attack two or three targets simultaneously so that to block multiple biochemical pathway to stop the diseases. Most of the recent combination therapy research has been done in treating various cancers like melanoma, colon cancer, inflammatory and cardiovascular diseases. Major pharmaceutical companies like Roche, AstraZeneca, Sanofi-Aventis, Pfizer, Novartis, Merck and GlaxoSmithKline are putting efforts in developing the new generation of combination treatment for various diseases. The scientists are speculating that the first "cocktail drug" for cancer will be released as early as 2012.

In view of these current trends and future potential in drug discovery research using combination therapy, SciClips have launched a unique open access database of combination therapy. This database will be very helpful for the researchers worldwide who are currently working with combination therapy. This database contains combination therapy details of more than 1100 diseases that are reported in recent published articles, US patents issued and applications, International patent applications (WO (PCT)) and site. Please follow this link to view the


Tags: Combination therapy, Combination treatment, drug discovery

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