Open Source Cms Drupal 7 Development Services For Mark Rosan

Recently launched drupal Open Source CMS for MARK ROSEN - a husband, father, soccer coach, business leader and public servant - who is running for Congress to bring responsible fiscal policy back to Washington and to unleash the power of America'

Recently launched drupal Open Source CMS for MARK ROSEN

About Mark Rosen:-

MARK ROSEN - a husband, father, soccer coach, business leader and public servant - who is running for Congress to bring responsible fiscal policy back to Washington and to unleash the power of America's private sector. His goals are Incentivize economic growth and job creation, Reduce our tax burden, Cut wasteful government spending, Rationalize strangulating regulations, Enact Congressional term limits.

What is Durpal - Drupal is a free and open-source content management system (CMS) and content management framework (CMF) written in PHP and distributed under the GNU General Public License. It is used as a back-end system for at least 1.5% of all websites worldwide ranging from personal blogs to corporate, political, and government sites including offical website of White House. It is also used for knowledge management and business collaboration.

Complete drupal development and drupal services are done on drupal cms. Our customized drupal services theme provided attractive customize template which provides information regarding latest ISSUES, NEWS & EVENTS.

Following sections were created:

Contribute: We Integrated an drupal panels like online payment gateway for users to contribute him in his cause.
News: Section which keeps you update about mark activities.
Issues: Have a quick view to the issues shared by mark in this website.
Contact: We designed this section where you can send him message or can ask any question.
Road to social media: We further connected this website to MARK ROSEN social networks profiles.

Technical Specifications :
Platform: Drupal, drupal 7, drupal api, CMS, Custom Plugins
Script: JavaScript
Database: MySQL

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About comapny:-
Netgains has been providing businesses,around the globe including individuals, non-profits and government organizations with comprehensive Consulting, Design, Development, Internet Marketing & 3D services to enable them to effectively leverage the unique power of IT.


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Tags: CMS, Dupal, Mark rosen

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