Open Source CMS is knocking on our doors

Technology is allowing us automate website content management task. Gone are the days when we needed to rewrite the whole webpage when only a few dash-dot changes in the content had to be made.

Technology is evolving to suit our way of life and ease our manual labor. First when you asked a webmaster to update some content on the website he would frown and scorn. But now, webmasters have come up with content management systems that do all the dirty work of HTML coding while we just update the web content with a few clicks, drags and drops.

At Sparsh Technologies we believe in making work flow easy and smooth. We provide stellar CMS solutions that are simple to use and effective. Moreover, we understand small budgets; so we offer affordable solutions that can be accommodated by any budgets. We include open source PHP technology in developing CMS to cut overall development costs. We use popular open source CMSs like Joomla, Drupal, Mambo, and Typo3 for website content management.

Of the aforementioned PHP CMSs Joomla is the most widely used and accepted. Joomla comes with a flexible package that is easy to install and simpler to use. But when you need to manage a large website you may choose Drupal as it efficiently handles a large number of Web Pages. Other open source CMS technologies - Mambo and Typo3, are gradually gaining some attention and acceptance. Sparsh Technologies prides itself in mastering all these open source CMS frameworks and offers CMS solutions that suit your requirements and specifications in record development times.

It may be that you do not require to inculcate a full-fledged CMS, in that case Sparsh offers customized CMS module development that will be seamlessly integrated into your website and help you maintain your website in a cost effective manner. CMS add-ons and plug-ins are very prominent these days as they come with a light weight design and cross-browser, cross-platform architecture. Our open source CMS development team has significant knowledge and commendable experience to build spectacular CMS solutions.


Tags: CMS Development, CMS solutions, Open Source CMS

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Sparsh Technologies
421,Satyam Mall, Satellite,
Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India