Opened Doors One Year before the Great Depression

Officesalesusa is a site which has helped a lot of people after the great depression and you can get a variety of things like Discount office supplies, furniture and printing also you can Earn reward credits on every purchase.

Originally known as Haskell Printing and Stationery Co., this office supply company has survived the Great Depression, a world war and several major recessions. The business was formed by Grandfather Abraham in 1928 with his son, Haskell, just before the beginning of what would become the Great Depression. Haskell's brother, Dan Isaacson, soon followed into the business. They had only one account, Schweickart and Co., for a long while, and it wasn't easy.

Despite hard times, Haskell has been surviving a recession by developing close relationships with its customers and responding to their needs. Since the early days, Haskell New York Inc. (as they are known today) has had to face many challenges throughout the years. The arrival of the office superstores like Staples, though originally problematic, forced Haskell to respond with niche marketing tools such as peer to peer computer ordering. Now that the superstores are hobbled with an obsolete business plan that includes expensive stores many of which are not drawing sufficient traffic, the shoe is indeed on the other foot. Internet nimble and with low overhead, Haskell New York Inc. and its online website thrives.

Before the Internet, Haskell New York Inc. was one of the first companies to develop an online presence using traditional EDI connections. The challenges though were immense with an electronic ordering system (available on CD) that had to be installed on each client's private networks. Due to the limited hardware of the time and problems with DLL conflicts, a successful installation sometimes took many hours to resolve. The original electronic ordering system, however, was the crucible for later developing a website that could meet the needs of even the largest of accounts and yet be simple enough for casual shoppers to use.

Today, the official site is known as Run by the identical twin sons of Daniel, today Matt and Larry Isaacson continue to prove their ability to respond to the needs of their customers with features like no hassle online returns, searchable history files for easy re-creation of old orders, informative product landing pages and a Virtual Purchasing System that adapts to even the most demanding of accounts who might need online manager approvals. For all accounts Haskell has designed a Reward Credits program that even features games to make ordering not only easy, but fun.

Unlike many competitor sites, was developed from the ground up and is not just another repackaged shopping cart. This gives Haskell an advantage in its ability to quickly adjust to client needs. This spirit of innovation and unwillingness to settle for just a similar look and features to competitor sites is the key to Haskell's success.

Although not immune to the effects of the current economic downturn, Haskell has come full circle facing challenges not unlike the early days of the Great Depression. Though times are hard, many of Haskell's clients have been loyal customers for decades. Each customer has a unique ordering personality, and the ability to recognize this and adapt to each personality quickly has proven pivotal to Haskell's success. Though competitors may come and go, Haskell still remains a place where personalized service is not forgotten.


Tags: office supplies, Office Supplies in USA, office supply company

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Matthew Isaacson
Press Contact, Haskell New York Inc
Haskell New York Inc
Haskell New York Inc
1946 Ocean Ave, 2nd floor