Openxcell's App Marketing Services Pushed 'Rokda App' to New Heights, Witnesses 10k+ Downloads.
Online, November 28, 2013 ( - Openxcell recently registered its name amongst some of the top android app development companies by launching an Android Application called 'Rokda'. With an offering of an entire new concept, the Rokda App has certainly created quite a buzz by witnessing 10k+ downloads in only a weeks time. Its usp is that the app proclaims to serve more than just the mobile recharge facility. This leading software development company has unfolded a unique way of utilizing great platform for mobile app marketing. It certainly follows the simple law of giving and receiving. Once the users begin using the app, they are rewarded with free monetary value in the form of virtual currency.
"Soaring number of apps have enforced the mobile app marketing services to constantly come up with various app marketing methods or strategies that significantly give boost to the apps. We comprehended that one such engrossing method is to reward the users while they are indulging in the app;hence 'Rokda' emerges as an effective app that won't just serve the customary but would also deploy as an app marketing platform itself"- says Jayneel, managing director of openxcell.
The successful emergence of Rokda App has thrown light on the extremely innovative, thorough and efficient app marketing strategies that Openxcell is capable of coming up with. This promising mobile app marketing company has come up with an app that itself serves as an effective tool for app marketing; which surely is a derivative of hitting two targets with one arrow.
The proficiency of the companies' app marketing services doesn't end there. It is the merging of prudent ideas of app marketing and the capability of enforcing those ideas into reality which has helped witness swift success to an extremely engrossing reward based app marketing application such as Rokda. It is certain that such reward based app marketing services are emerging as one of the most effective ways to market app these days and Openxcell seems to have mastered the tricks of deploying those strategies effortlessly.
App marketing is a vast field that still has a lot many fundamentals and strategies waiting to be disclosed. However, the app marketing services offered by Openxcell have travelled quite a few horizons; hence it has been fulfilling the requisite of current tendencies by offering innovative marketing strategies.
OpenXcell Technolabs is a trusted mobile app development company and holds the prestigious ISO 9001:2008 certification and also a member of NASSCOM. Openxcell has its headquarters located in the US with its app development centre located in India.
Contact Details: Openxcell Technolabs is a trusted android app development and app marketing company. It provides mobile app development and app marketing services at a competitive price tag. Visit to know more.
Tags: app, company, marketing, marketing app, Mobile, promotion