Operation Entrepreneur: Entrepreneurship Empowerment Seminar Series To Prevent Gang Violence, Crime & Drug Activity

Operation Entrepreneur are seminars and workshops for high school students in Essex County NJ dedicated to motivating young people to finish school and become entrepreneurs created by ViewMyBrand

College Graduates Dare Thompson and Anthony Harris will be hosting Operation Entrepreneur on Tues Oct 23rd at 8am, a workshop where they will speak out to (800) eight-hundred high school students about the rise in crime rates in Newark NJ and some ways to help prevent them from becoming victims. It will be sponsored by Councilman Ras Baraka at Central High School on 18th Ave. Newark, NJ

Thompson, 23, and Harris, 23, have developed an Entrepreneurship Initiative to address the alarming increase in gang violence & growing criminal activity that occurs in Newark on a daily basis. The research suggests that thousands of High School students, living in low income, single parent households, and drug-infested neighborhoods combined with high levels of unemployment have too much time on their hands resulting in "Idle Mind Syndrome".

Conversely, Thompson and Harris have created a winning formula designed to reduce the numbers of adolescents headed for a life of crime, incarceration, or premature death. In the words of these two young men, Operation Entrepreneur kept us off the streets and on the correct path. "Our dreams are bigger and more attractive than the call of fast money, and more exciting than a ride in a stolen car," Harris reveals as he shared the story of how he lost childhood friends to prison and gun violence risking their lives, and future standing on street corners selling drugs.

Empirical data indicates the crime rate in the city of Newark is (6.6) points over the national average, the homicide rate as of September 16, 2012 is (60) sixty victims and counting.

Harris and Thompson are sharing their secrets of success with young high school students in an attempt to expose the myths of gang involvement with real life demonstrations of against all odds determination; hard work, and what having a dream can do. Committed to focusing their experience, energy and efforts towards educating, empowering and inspiring their peers on the power and promise of Entrepreneurship.

Operation Entrepreneur is requesting press coverage for this breakthrough event to demonstrate that young Black Youths when given the opportunity can achieve success, and turn their lives around.

Thompson and Harris are alumni from Kean University as Accounting and Finance majors, both the founders of ViewMyBrand.com, born and raised in Essex County. View My Brand was founded in 2011 and headquartered in Newark NJ.


Tags: Dare Thompson, Empowerment, Encouragement, Entrepreneur Label, high school, motivation, Operation Entrepreneur, Oswald Anthony Harris, Se, ViewMyBrand

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