Optimize your business with marketing and mindset strategies you can really use

October 14, 2009 -{Quebec}- From October 26 -30, 2009, life coaches, PR experts, marketing experts, and successful entrepreneurs will come together to teach Business owners how to optimize and succeed with their business; using marketing.

Knowing how to move a business forward with the right tools can make the world of difference for a business owner. With statistics proving that most business folding within the first five years of existence, and the economy at a slower pace these days, knowing how to maneuver your business before it falls into the ranks of non-existence is pertinent to success.

In order for the Small Business Owner to avoid the pitfalls that statics proves happens over and over again, they must move from a level of working in to a level of working on their business.

"Business owners need to be more strategic and up their game with both their marketing and mindset if they want to be successful in this economy. Business owners who don't will see their businesses stagnate or drop significantly during these economic times." Stacey Hylen, event coordinator and Business Optimization Coach.

Hylen, a Business Optimizer Coach, knows exactly what it takes to move from working in a business to working on your business. Taking what she knows and whom she knows Stacey has organized the 3rd Annual Business Optimization Week 2009.

Business Optimization Week 2009 is a weeklong virtual event that will help the small business owner learn the very tactics that she speaks of so that they can learn how to work on their business and not in their business. Pulling together 15 of the most influential successful Small Business Owners from all walks of life, Stacey has created the perfect event for the small business owner to learn how to strategize and optimize using the most effective tools for success. Business owners will be pulled out of their comfort zone into a space that will allow them to improve business, take action, and implement what they learn.

With free to low cost options for training and the virtual aspect, the Business Optimization week will change the lives of business owners worldwide.


Tags: business coaching event, business marketing and mindset, business optimization

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Connie Sheppard
Press Contact, Hylen Success Coaching
Hylen Success Coaching
618 Winding Way, West Milton, OH
West Milton, OH 45383