Orca Surgical Presents Results Of First EBK Human Clinical Trial At 2012 ESCRS Congress In Milan

Orca Surgical, developer of EBK™, an innovative new treatment procedure for surface epithelium removal, announced that results from the company's first human clinical trial will be presented at the 2012 ESCRS Congress in Milan.

EBK™ (Epithelial Bowman's Keratectomy) is a new surface ablation procedure enabling controllable epithelium removal without damaging Bowman's layer.

On Monday, September 10, at 17:30, Dr. Taieb will present the study, "Epi-Bowman Keratectomy [EBK] with the Epi-Clear new device for corneal epithelial ablation: the 10 first treated patients." His lecture will discuss the practitioner experience and his observations on the effect on Bowman's layer, healing time and pain.

"We are encouraged by the results achieved in our first human clinical trial, and are excited by the recent expansion of the trial to leading research centers in Europe," said Yariv Bar On, Orca Surgical CEO. "We look forward to sharing our discoveries at the ESCRS 2012 Congress regarding the advantages of maintaining Bowman's layer intact and the implications for rapid healing and reducing pain."

Preparation procedures for refractive surgery have been studied for years. Several techniques are in use today, some of which involve cutting into the Stroma, which weakens the cornea. Others involve superficially removing the epithelium, which in some cases damages Bowman's layer and creates imperfect conditions for the laser ablation. EBK is the only procedure that leaves Bowman's layer intact, with clear borders and a smooth treatment bed. This creates the perfect conditions for the laser ablation, and augments epithelium periphery growth to shorten visual recovery time and reduce pain during epithelial healing.

"Studies clearly indicate that the market is eager for the ideal procedure that delivers the safety of PRK and maximizes patient comfort. We believe that EBK is a game changer," said Meytal Snir Gal, Orca Surgical VP Marketing & sales."EBK is the safest option available, and enables creates the perfect conditions for less painful epithelium growth and more satisfied patients."
Orca Surgical will be showcasing the EBK procedure at the ESCRS Congress in Milan. An open wet lab will take place at Orca Surgical's booth #P339 from Saturday September 8 through Tuesday September 11.

To view the EBK live procedure, please visit: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dVz3kU48qR0

More information on Dr. Matsliah Taieb's free paper presentation can be found on the ESCRS website.


Tags: EBK, Orca Surgical, refractive surgery

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Meytal Snir Gal
Press Contact, Orca Surgical Ltd.