Organic Producers Cooperative Formed to Serve Organic Farmers

(North Bend, NE) The OPINS Cooperative (OPINS Co-op) was official formed in order to foster partnerships between Organic farmers and end users to provide benefit to the organic food consumers.

(North Bend) The OPINS Cooperative (OPINS Co-op) was official formed in order to foster partnerships between Organic farmers and end users to provide benefit to the organic food consumers.

For producers, farming organically is an attempt to ensure their farms will always be "Sustainable". Organic producers are known for restoring the soil health activities by not practicing Modern Chemical farming practices of see a problem and spray. Producer feed the soil only organic approved materials to make healthy plants and grains. Organic producers adapt their practices to the conditions of their environment, and they don't use "artificial" means to increase their production.

We modeled our business practices on this same concept. Working to make the business side of organic agriculture sustainable is our main goal. We believe our farmer producer members deserve a fair return on their labor and investment of time and talents and best management of the farms resources.

We also believe our organic processor customers deserve a fair return for the risks they take to invest in processing and selling organic products. Our goals: 1) Form partnerships between and among our processor customers and our farmer members that provide benefit to everyone involved in the organic foods business. 2) We are addressing how to bring stability into the market place. 3) Better communication, using media is one tool to address the current void producers have experienced. 4) Selling grains in the top third of the current price structure is a daily goal we strive to meet for producers.

5) Organic Producers and end users would like to have stability in budget development and we can provide that stability.

To arrange an interview or explore how to participate contact the OPINS offices at 402-835-4800 or online at



Tags: agriculture, Coopeative, organic


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130 E 10th St
North Bend, NE