Organizing Your Life And More Detailed In New Column By Julie Morgenstern

Dedicated to featuring successful women and their valuable insights, delights readers with new blog called Beyond Today by Julie Morgenstern.

Some 25 years ago, women were thought of, considered and even treated as second-class citizens. In the workplace, in particular, women did not enjoy their rights as much as men. The former were merely known as mothers or housewives, and not entirely as professionals. As times have evolved, women are now standing up, and their voices are being heard. focuses on creating a network of women who are considered successful in their careers, enticing them to share their lives, expertise and experiences for other women to learn from. A word play for Women On The Web, wowOwow is known for its wealth of information on various topics for organizing your life from culture to politics to social commentary to gossip. is a free daily website created, run and written by Lesley Stahl, Liz Smith, Joni Evans, Mary Wells, Sheila Nevins, Joan Juliet Buck, Whoopi Goldberg, Julia Reed, Joan Ganz Cooney, Judith Martin, Candice Bergen, Lily Tomlin, Jane Wagner, Jean Chatzky, Cynthia McFadden and Marlo Thomas.

"Being friends for a long time, we have, for years, been talking to each other about everything under the sun - our families, our work and our worlds. No matter what was happening in our lives, we made the time. We've shared what we think, observe and experience each day. And now we want to share it with you." the team behind says about the website. is banking on the fact that the largest number of people coming on to the Internet now are women who, like the team, are women who - to use a cliche - weren't born yesterday, who are in their prime, who are involved in the world, and have a bent for changing it, as much as living in it. As such the website caters to women who want a place to look at issues in a new way, or gossip a little, or learn more about each other, or ponder how to make the world better.

Now more informative than ever, announces its newest blog called Beyond Today, written by organizing and time-management expert, business productivity consultant and speaker, and New York Times bestselling author Julie Morgenstern.

Ms. Morgensten runs Julie Morgenstern Enterprises, a company that is dedicated to using her philosophies and methods to provide a wide range of practical solutions that transform the way people and companies function. The Beyond Today column at focuses on various topics that talk range from money saving insights to organizing tips to guidelines hiring the right individuals that absolutely fits the requirements of the job in the company.

Women looking for women insights to organize their lives and stand out in their community and workplace should visit and check out the new blog Beyond Today, by Julie Morgenstern.


Tags: decluttering your life, get organized tips, Julie Morgenstern

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