Oseen Joins viiz as Vice President of Finance

viiz is pleased to announce that Trevor Oseen has joined the company as Vice President of Finance and will lead the Administration and Finance teams. Oseen brings over 20 years of experience in operations finance with international experience in North America, Europe, Southwest Asia and Africa. He had worked briefly for viiz in 2004.

“We’re excited to have Trevor on board. His global background combined with strong financial skills and operations experience make him an asset to our team,” said James MacKenzie, President & CEO of viiz.

We're excited to have Trevor on board. His global background combined with strong financial skills and operations experience make him an asset to our team.

James MacKenzie, President & CEO of viiz

Oseen is responsible for mergers and acquisitions, financial reporting, policies and procedures, finance and strategic management. Additionally, he oversees Business Operations, Controller, Corporate Development, Treasury and other corporate functions.

About viiz

viiz serves over 1,200 communications providers, telematics companies and enterprise customers with outsourced, on-premise, cloud and hybrid solutions. viiz call centers provide wholesale, customized telecommunications products and services, including Emergency Services, Operator Services, Directory Assistance, Message Relay, IP Relay, VoIP 911 Service, and Customer Care support. viiz provides a path to the future for customers and partners by focusing on the core, foundational products, while continuously investing in research and development to ensure relevance in the future. viiz is voice!

To learn more, visit www.viiz.com.

Media Contact
Susan Robinson
Phone: 973.219.3800
Email: srobinson@viiz.com

Source: viiz communications


Tags: Calgary, Call Centers, customer care, Networks, Telecommunications

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Charlie Anderson
Press Contact viiz communications
viiz communications
6420 6A St SE (Suite 200)
Calgary, Alberta T2H 2B7